Scott Jones (CA- R) for Congress Dumps Trump: This ‘May Cost Me the Election’ – IOTW Report

Scott Jones (CA- R) for Congress Dumps Trump: This ‘May Cost Me the Election’

Breitbart: Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones, a Republican who is challenging Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA), renounced his support for Donald Trump on Saturday, and said that his defection from the GOP nominee “may cost me the election.”

In an interview with the Sacramento Bee‘s editorial board on Monday, Jones said some in his inner circle advised him against the move, and predicted that it was “going to be horrible” for him. However, Jones said, “I think at the end of the day the best advice I received is ‘You have to do what’s right for you,’ meaning me, and that’s exactly what I did.”

Jones issued a statement on Saturday explaining why he felt he needed to abandon his party’s nominee.

He said: “Mr. Trump’s comments that were disclosed yesterday discuss conduct which is at best disgusting, and at worst criminal. I can no longer explain to my daughters why I am voting for Mr. Trump. As such, I will be voting for neither candidate for president.”

Jones added, “There are ardent Donald Trump supporters that will likely fall off, or choose not to vote,” noting, “It will cost me votes,” though how many votes it costs “will remain to be seen.”


24 Comments on Scott Jones (CA- R) for Congress Dumps Trump: This ‘May Cost Me the Election’

  1. Moron. Dumping Trump is supporting the Hildabeast. There is no moral equivalency. Stupid locker room style crudity does not compare to decades of lies, deception, security breaches, and blood on her hands.

  2. In what way were Trump’s 11 year old remarks criminal? This guy is too stupid to hold office. He’s perfect for California. May he sink back into the irrelevance, from which he briefly emerged.

  3. What a dickhead. He’s running in California against an incumbent. He wasn’t going to win whether he supported Trump or not. I think his advisors probably told him to make this “big” announcement and that will bring over voters that always voted Democrat. Geezuz, and they give this guy a badge and a gun.

  4. Scott Jones is Pro 2A. As Sheriff he’s issued a shit load of CCW’s in Sacramento County. Stupid move. The guy he’s running against is a total lib whack job who’s father is serving a prison term for doing something unethical with campaign funds.
    Jones should have just stayed Sheriff and left it at that.

  5. I saw him testify before the Senate Judiciary (sub) Committee on borders and sanctuary cities. His testimony against sanctuary cities was impressive.
    Apparently he lost the endorsement of the Teamsters when he endorsed Trump (Teamsters initially endorsed anti-TPP Jones over his pro-TPP opponent).
    Now he does a 180 and pulls his support from Trump and loses the support of Trump voters.
    Seems more like a true politician. He literally Barney Fifed himself and shot himself in the foot – twice.

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