SCOTUS Overrules Old Japanese Internment Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Overrules Old Japanese Internment Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds

Victory Girls Blog: The Supreme Court just upheld President Trump’s travel ban on people from designated nations. Not only that, but SCOTUS also overruled an infamous decision from FDR’s administration.

The ruling that the conservative majority overturned was Korematsu v. United States (1944), which allowed the FDR administration to round up and place foreign nationals in internment camps. American-born ethnic Japanese made up about two-thirds of the 120,000 people sent to camps, although Italians and Germans also were also affected.

Here’s what Chief Justice John Roberts argued:

“The forcible relocation of U. S. citizens to concentration camps, solely and explicitly on the basis of race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of Presidential authority.”

So that’s a good thing, right? Even if it came much too late for older internees who have since passed on.

Now lest anyone think that Korematsu was somehow similar to the travel ban, Roberts added this:

“But it is wholly inept to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission.”

That’s pretty clear, isn’t it? Roberts is warning Americans not to conflate the two because they’re entirely different animals.
Ah, but certain progressives didn’t understand that memo, like the ACLU and MN Rep. Keith Ellison. Because . . . hypocrisy, or something.  more

10 Comments on SCOTUS Overrules Old Japanese Internment Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds

  1. This Japanese internment issue has been looked at from the wrong angle ever since I’ve heard it discussed. We were just bombed by a nation that had as its intent the destruction of our country. It was known there were spies of Japanese descent in our country and we had to make them ineffective in their goals. We didn’t have time to conduct mass interviews. The Japanese were somewhat easily identified. To have not put them in an environment that we had control of the situation would have been negligent. Now, let’s talk about the fuckin muzzies.

  2. Their Game of make a move and watch them squirm, can be fun once in a while.
    We put up with some creepy political moves with Obama, that make this look really basic.

  3. If the Japanese/German/Italian American citizens were morally and repugnantly incarcerated and had property and asset losses and seizures; then they and their descendants are morally due reparations (as Jewish survivors of WW2 claim for themselves). And also according to the logic of Black political activists in their demand for slavery reparations. And add in the Native American Indians historical grievances, as well. The Supreme Court has a unique, but unConstitutional way of opening cans of worms to allow for more law suits. A very Communistic agenda always at play now.

  4. other than that … Roberts scares the crap out of me almost as much as the demonRats

    get out & vote November … drag grandma if you have to … VOTE!

  5. Now, all Trump has to do with this win is to add the countries of Mexico, Guatemala…

    Don’t laugh; after the Mexican Marxist wins, he’s promised to send millions northwards (that used to be called an ‘invasion’ and ‘act of war’).

  6. And Cory Booker droned on about violating “our values”. First, we should do all we can to violate Democrat’s “values” and second, Dems should not be allowed to use the word “values” since they have no idea what it means.


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