Seattle Police Begin Dismantling CHAZ/CHOP – IOTW Report

Seattle Police Begin Dismantling CHAZ/CHOP

DanBongino: It’s game over for the short-lived nation of CHAZ/CHOP. While just weeks ago Seattle’s Mayor claimed that the “autonomous-in-name-only” zone could help transform Seattle into a “summer of love,” a number of recent shootings has indicated that a summer of death is more likely.

As Fox News reported:

Seattle police have begun clearing out the protest area known as CHOP, making more than a dozen arrests after Mayor Jenny Durkan declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Police issued the order to disperse around 5 a.m. local time Wednesday, telling protesters to leave within eight minutes. At least 13 protesters have been arrested so far for failing to clear the area, police said.


h/t Cakes.

19 Comments on Seattle Police Begin Dismantling CHAZ/CHOP

  1. The damage was done. They keep probing. First, it was Fauxcahontas’ occupy wall street, then this. Imagine what is coming next.
    The pussies of the GOP are lost, and are taking us off a cliff.

  2. Well, now we’ve had another reminder of what rule under narcissistic psychopaths looks like. Read some of HG Tudor’s books on NP’s. They deal with personal relationships but the concepts are directly transferable to social ones.

  3. Anon is right….this is just stretching the rubber band and while it is fine to sit back and say they are not doing this in my City or my Mayor will never allow that, NOTHING could be further from the truth…..first Seattle, then Portland, then NYC….soon it will be dozens of others with a bunch of spoiled, wealthy, uneducated moronic children who are the prize of the Participant Trophy era and this byproduct will not stop at Dem cities….this should have been shut down on NIGHT #1 but pussy Republicans don’t want to offend anyone while missing that the country is looking for Real Leadership first and foremost….hence the big drop in Trumps numbers……

  4. @KoolAid
    Yes – that rubber band is stretched almost to the point of breaking. They want it to break. If it does I fear the entire world will fall into chaos. Maybe the Mayans were right – July 1 2020 is the end of the world…

  5. @Alexb – Right before reading Ted Nougat’s comment, I was thinking about how the Democrats have their noses in everyone else’s business these days. They think they’re in charge of everything. And Republicans just go along with most of it. SICK. OF. IT.

  6. Let’s see what happens tonight. Antifa started testing the West Precinct after dark with businesses and residents complaining about graffiti and noise/fireworks etc…In Portland OR its a war zone at night- I suspect it’ll transition that way in downtown Seattle too. 🤷‍♀️

  7. Bobcat
    JULY 1, 2020 AT 11:55 AM
    “Lifetime Movie of the Week..

    “Where were You, when the Weed ran out?””

    …y’know, it really says something about how OLD you are to reference “Where Were You When The Lights Went Out” from 1968…

    …and it really says something about how old I am that I KNOW that…

  8. Illustr8r
    Nice. You understand or perceive our enemy the way I see them. Lot’s of money and organization behind them. They will not quit. They’re like wanna be terminators. This will continue to escalate through the elections. Eventually leading to a Civil War. Maybe short lived, but none the less.


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