Sen. Joe Manchin leaves Democrat Party, registers as Independent – IOTW Report

Sen. Joe Manchin leaves Democrat Party, registers as Independent

CBS: Sen. Joe Manchin, a lifelong Democrat, left the party to become an independent, the West Virginia senator announced on Friday. 

Manchin, 76, said he registered as an independent at the West Virginia State Capitol, accusing both the Democratic and Republican parties of “partisan extremism.” Manchin will remain a member of the Senate Democratic Caucus, according to an aide. 

Manchin announced in November that he won’t seek reelection to the Senate. He has also said he won’t run for president.  more

17 Comments on Sen. Joe Manchin leaves Democrat Party, registers as Independent

  1. Just go away. You f-ing parasite.
    You’ve leached way too much off the poor people of WV for way too long.
    I have watched the quality of life in your state deteriorate horribly since you first started politics in 1982 and you have done absolutely NOTHING to help your constituents.

  2. Nice of the guy who will be 80 in 4 years to say he won’t run for president.
    He announces his independence… after all of the votes are in and he is no longer relevant. Does he think people will think better of him because of this pointless act?

  3. That’s like a WW2 era Jew saying, “I’m so enraged by what these Nazis are doing to my people that I have no choice but to go live in Switzerland. I have to take a stand.”

    Sorry Joe, not good enough. If you’re not joining the only movement that can stop this, You’re just talking out your cowardly ass.

    Same goes for you, Bobby Kennedy Jr. Did the Deep State really kill both your Dad and your uncle as you claim? Seems to me you’d be dying to join the only person who has ever challenged these monsters, instead of undercutting him

  4. Could somebody just install a big FLUSH handle on all of congress.
    Even the one’s that pretend to be on the side of the people have made $MILLIONS.

    Joe Manchin
    Timeline of Net Worth
    >2018: $11 million
    >2023: $30 million

  5. Big deal,,, he is a spineless loser and clown. A liar and sellout. This move don’t mean crap as he is still gonna vote with the commicrats. All talk and NO action. FJM in his worthless ass.

  6. If you aren’t an INDEPENDENT THINKER, party affiliation means nothing. All the “independents” in Congress vote with the democrats virtually every time, and care NOTHING about freedom, liberty, sound money, sound foreign policy, medical freedom or anything else important. Frankly, they could just as easily vote with the republicans most of the time.

  7. He plans to run for governor. This punk talked like a conservative every time he was up for reelection. After selling out for the umpteenth time He probably knew his time for selling his vote was almost up.


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