Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden

The Federalist-

Shortly after The New York Times quietly admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is legitimate even though it was smeared as “disinformation” to protect then-candidate Joe Biden during the 2020 election, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin released bombshell receipts showing Hunter received payments from foreign oligarchs that further reveal “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

According to the documents obtained by the senators, energy company CEFC, “an arm of the Chinese Government,” paid Wells Fargo Clearing Services $100,000 and designated “further credit to Owasco,” Hunter’s firm.

“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden,” Grassley said on the Senate floor on Monday. “To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: Is this official bank document Russian disinformation?”


11 Comments on Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden

  1. This is a game being run by the loyal “opposition”. It has already been ruled, by the rulers, that different pockets in the same pants are different. Getting hoi polloi to exhaust themselves, marching in line (always staying in line), to a destination that already has the “Oopsy! We tried.” bunting up (left up from the loyal “opposition”‘s last “opposition”), is to keep them from eyeing (mournfully) the torches and pitchforks they’ll never touch, let alone parade about with. (“Use!? harumph! That’s not who we are!”)

  2. @grool March 30, 2022 at 2:29 am

    > the last stolen election and from the next stolen one

    How can it be “stolen”? If it was never, by definition, by design, never yours?

  3. F them!
    This stuff was all available before the 2020 election.
    Those swamp jellyfish held on to it so the Dirty Dems could cheat and now they’re helping the Dirty Dems get rid of Biden.
    F them!!!

  4. Heard it today that the steady drumbeat of ‘leaks’ will increase in a propaganda push to ‘ease’ Refried Obama out by announcing his ill health will prevent him from sitting in the basement for another go. And Winnie the Pooh is a homo now, so is Xi?

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