Sexual Assaults Occurring in Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse” – IOTW Report

Sexual Assaults Occurring in Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse”

The Swaddle

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is off to a rough start with its virtual reality ambition. A week since its platform Horizon World was launched, users are already reporting cases of harassment and sexual assault.

“Not only was I groped last night, but there were other people there who supported this behavior which made me feel isolated in the Plaza,” the user wrote in Facebook’s official Horizon group, as quoted by The Verge.

The user was reportedly groped by a stranger in the virtual landscape. More

28 Comments on Sexual Assaults Occurring in Zuckerberg’s “Metaverse”

  1. “the user didn’t utilize the safety feature and should have just switched on the Safe Zone. Safety, once again, is framed as the responsibility of the user — online as it is offline.”

    …since WHEN do online users take personal responsibility for ANYTHING?!?

    …if THIS were the case, why does Fakebook go to extremes to “protect” its users from “hurtful ideas” or “hate speech” whether the users want them to or NOT?!?

    …hypocrisy, thy name is liberal…

  2. @DocTar – “…Can’t you change the gender of your avatar, you know like in real life?…”

    That was my first thought, but then I realized that there will always be pervs abusing others no matter what sex you are.

  3. In cyberspace, no one should care if you whine.

    I hope some hacker gets into their servers and installs a change to the priority system making the #1 imperative “Always accommodate all users’ desires.” The whole kit and kaboodle would lock up tighter than a bull’s ass in fly season.

  4. So let me see if I’ve got this right. In Zuckerberg’s virtual world your avatar has a right to bodily integrity and gets to call the shots. But in the real world the same individuals would be the first to argue you have no right to self-determination over your own body. They don’t consider forcing inoculations an unconsented physical intrusion and a human rights violation.


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