Shaun King Used PAC Money To Buy Himself a Show Dog – IOTW Report

Shaun King Used PAC Money To Buy Himself a Show Dog


Shaun King’s social justice PAC is going to the dogs. Literally.

Grassroots Law PAC, which the progressive grifter founded to elect soft-on-crime local officials, paid roughly $40,000 since December to the California-based Potrero Performance Dogs, according to campaign finance disclosures. The payments are labeled for “contractor services,” making their purpose difficult to discern. But days after a $30,650 payment in February, King welcomed a “new member of the King family”: an award-winning mastiff bred by Potrero named Marz. More

14 Comments on Shaun King Used PAC Money To Buy Himself a Show Dog

  1. The breeder said in a social media post this month that Marz was back in its care because “he’s got a little too much energy to be a family dog so he came back.”

    Translation: Not even the dog can stand that fraud!

  2. Another totalitarian grifter – and nobody’ll GAF – they’ll keep sending him money and he’ll keep stealing it.

    Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? How low can the IQ go?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. See Shaun proves he’s just a stupid white boy pretending to be black over and over LMAO
    Hey Gangsta dem black marxist blm bitches be buyin mansions wif their ill gottens not no dogs LOL

  4. The bogus Shaun King has been a swindler and grifter for the longest time. Wondering if the smelly liberals will now pounce on the white half of himself as being “privileged”.

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