She Wanted the White Meat Turkey Baster – IOTW Report

She Wanted the White Meat Turkey Baster

“I love you my little darling, BUT I’M GOING TO SUE THE BASTARDS THAT DID THIS TO ME!”

^Not the best message to send to your child.^  Maybe she should have had sex, gulp, with a man.

Court throws out lesbian mom’s lawsuit over sperm donor mix up: Woman claims she was left with bi-racial child she didn’t want after being given black man’s sperm when she asked for ‘blonde, blue-eyed baby’
Jennifer Cramblett's lawsuit over mistaken sperm donation dismissed


43 Comments on She Wanted the White Meat Turkey Baster

  1. But she said that she was raised around stereotypical attitudes toward minorities and that she has ‘limited cultural competency’ with African-Americans.

    What a dope! This precious child should sue for being cheated out of a welcoming mother-father family.

  2. That baby is gorgeous. The lesbo looks like a butt. Apparently all these freaks want designer babies like ordering up a designer dress and the rest can be aborted. She should let the girl be raised by a real family and go get a doll at Toys R’ Us

  3. Lesbians: I have no flippin idea why in the world they call ’em gay cuz they’re never happy with anything!
    Whaaaaaaaaa. Call me a Whaaambulance.
    OK, yer a Whaaambulance!
    I feel sorry for the kid when I think about the misery she’s in for!

  4. But she said that she was raised around stereotypical attitudes toward minorities and that she has ‘limited cultural competency’ with African-Americans.

    Is this how a typical racist libtard can get around being called racist? If a conservative tried that they’d be pilloried by the progressive press. She’ll get pass.

    Eradicate the left.

  5. She SHOULD be able to get damages from the sperm merchants for screwing up the procedure. But the entire award should remain IN A TRUST fund, until that beautiful little girl turns 18 and can sue her ‘mother’ for being a narcissistic, unworthy POS.

    All the leftists lose, and the innocent girl gets made whole for being dropped into this world through a sick, twisted portal.

  6. These SJWs are always lecturing people on how we need to do more to combat racism, so what I’d say is here she has a golden opportunity to do just that herself. She can be a part of the solution instead of contributing to the problem.

    Doesn’t know how to style black hair? Then learn. Teach her daughter about bias from BOTH sides (she said she was “not welcome” in the neighborhood where her daughter’s salon is) and how she can still work for a rewarding life. Go ahead, live in a “more diverse neighborhood.” (This was perhaps my favorite, given how the left are always trying to demonize living in a white neighborhood.) Or face the racism she claims is in her present neighborhood head on. In other words, stand up and be a mother to the child God gave her instead of making excuses for her own racism and trying to be rewarded for it.

  7. I have been on the front line with mixed race children, although no turkey basters were involved. I will say this, if you cannot love a child, no matter their origin, you cannot love yourself or anyone else.

  8. What a great way to deal with the tender gender and deal with the wedding cake crowd. Get a job dishing up sperm and make sure all the Lesbians get impregnated with illegals; degenerates, the colored of every nationality, mooslims, freaks and men folk possessing every irregularity known to man.
    If they want kids, lets open the cornucopia in Pandora’s Box and give it to them.

  9. Progressives profess to be the most loving people that ever existed, yet their actions prove the opposite – they are truly hateful. Just like the self centered deviant lesbian in this situation, and the reckless, unintended consequences that are the result. I hope the child is placed in good home. There are still good Christian families who would be overjoyed to adopt that beautiful little girl.

  10. That little kid sure is cute.

    I don’t know what it she means by “cultural competency” — but that is certainly a bigoted view if it’s what I think she means. First off, what does she think is the black culture? So screwed up.

    We have a daughter from China and we taught her that she is an American. That’s our culture and that’s hers.

  11. nowdays… the girl will fit in just fine. Even in the nearly entirely white area where I am, she’d be fine. I honestly don’t think anyone would notice that the kid and mom are different ‘colors’.

    now, the flaming dike aryan wannabe mom, she’d probably stand out.

  12. She’s certainly living in a tiny town (<3,000) that is about 96% white and 4% black, Asian.
    Makes you wonder why such a white leftist choose to live in a lily white town.

    I know Uniontown and can't imagine the people giving that little girl a hard. The 'hard time', if it exists at all, is probably for 2 loud-mouthed, militant lesbo's trying to recruit from the local middle school.

    If sh wants to live in a mor diverse area then Canton, OH is just a hop, skip and a jump away.

  13. Thanks mom I feel so welcome now,
    Stupid lesbian cow,
    If you actually have normal sex you can pretty tell what race the baby will be,
    Of course, if your view of bringing a child into your family is like ordering french fries through a window I can see how you would be upset you didn’t get what you wanted.

  14. Poor kid. Not only does she have to get raised by some fat dyke but sure as hell some other kid is going to use this to torment her. Funny thing with people trying to use science to choose what type of kids they have. If they ever find the “gay” gene and develop a in vitro test for it that the gay community will be pretty well gone within a couple of generations. Open and easy access to abortion and the attitude of most liberals and even a no small number of conservatives mean that if an embryo tests positive it would mean immediate abortion. Most liberals talk a good game (kind of like the woman in the story) but fail to back up their words in a meaningful way.

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