SheHer Man Hater Club Gets a “Space” – IOTW Report

SheHer Man Hater Club Gets a “Space”


There is a new space specifically for women in Richmond, and it’s the first of its kind in the state.

“The Broad” opens on North Foushee Street on Monday, after months of planning and preparation. It will be Virginia’s first modern workspace and social club for women.

The Broad gives women a space to call their own, and a place where they can turn for support.

The Broad also has a library, a kitchen and even a room for new mothers to pump breast milk. Everything inside The Broad was created and designed by women, including the wallpaper, murals and books in the library.

“Everything from big issues like systematic oppression, wage inequality to small things like the air conditioning temperature in your office always being set to a comfortable temperature for your male colleague, the world has been designed for men and not for us. So being able to create a space that in some ways is a direct response and in other ways is just a natural progression in the way things are moving.”

“It’s not just a space for likeminded people,” Mercurio said. “But a space to connect, which women innately are very good at doing. It’s a space to hold space for us.”

Memberships at The Broad start at $75 a month.


ht/ P Henry

26 Comments on SheHer Man Hater Club Gets a “Space”

  1. Thank God that it’s only for women. I would rather gargle broken glass than have to listen to green haired leftist women prattle on about systemic oppression, and other barf bag issues.

  2. Since everyone can choose their gender these days, I’m sure they’ll have no problem with me identifying as a female and using the restroom there.

    I assume they only have one, right?


  3. There’s that a/c thing again. You chicks(& beta males)can put on a sweater, I can’t take off my shirt! stfu.
    And while we’re at it….if I gotta put the seat down, I’m puttin the lid down too so we both gotta prep the crapper, it’s fair division of the labor. Besides, why would you take it for granted that the last dude to whiz ever lifted the damn seat first anyway? You gonna just sit on a crapper without checking it out and or washing it down? I can tell you…a lotta guys aren’t as clean and hygienically courteous as I am……if the seats up, at least you know they didn’t whiz all over it.

  4. systematic oppression – please add this to the list of phrases to be obsoleted in 2018. The definition is ‘I’m a loser and refuse to acept responsibility’.
    There is a woman space in our house. It’s called the sewing room. The DH is welcome but afraid to go in there in case a bolt or 2 or 200 fall on him.

  5. ““It’s not just a space for likeminded people,” Mercurio said. ”

    LMAO of course it is. It is going to be a place filled with Code Pink, Chubby Lesbian Regressive types. If a woman goes in there wearing a “MAGA” hat, guaranteed she gets run out the door and has her membership revoked for being a racist bigot

  6. Czar: why would any guy want to file a discrimination suit? These are annoying women who are voluntarily sequestering themselves from the normal population, much to the relief of many of us.

  7. Well since men planned and built the current world they live in with their own two hands and brains maybe we should donate some hammers, saws, nail guns and concrete forms and let them liberated, but overtly spoiled, women build their own!

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