Sheriff Clarke Responds To ‘Uncle Tom’ Taunt By New York Daily News Columnist And Black Lives Matter Activist – IOTW Report

Sheriff Clarke Responds To ‘Uncle Tom’ Taunt By New York Daily News Columnist And Black Lives Matter Activist

sheriff anthony clarke

DailyCaller: Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke says he’s been called worse than a “sellout” and an “Uncle Tom,” two racially-charged terms that a New York Daily News columnist and Black Lives Matter activist used to describe the black Democrat on Tuesday.

“That crap doesn’t bother me,” Clarke told The Daily Caller in response to columnist Shaun King’s diatribe taking him to task for denying the existence of policy brutality and police racism during a Fox News segment on Monday.

“It’s designed to get me off message,” Clarke said during a phone interview.  MORE


10 Comments on Sheriff Clarke Responds To ‘Uncle Tom’ Taunt By New York Daily News Columnist And Black Lives Matter Activist

  1. Wait. Shaun “Wigger” King called a black man an ‘Uncle Tom’ and still has his job? The last time that happened, it was white supremacist John Metzer and CORE chairman Roy Innis on
    ‘Geraldo’. Geraldo got his nose broken. Well, I want justice for Sheriff Clarke. Geraldo’s nose must be broken.

  2. I don’t understand why King and others who are attacked by known activists and others who have their own seriously fraudulent backgrounds, don’t punch back with that information. It would have been easy enough for Clarke to completely ignore King’s charge and counter-attack by calling him a liar and a commie “social justice” fraud. And, yes, use air quotes. Take a page out of Trump’s book (or Facebook); he routinely calls out specific people as liars and hypocrites.

  3. sherriff clarke could be overheard to say in response “ouch that hurt”.

    like calling a real man a name would bother him. these liberals really are insane.

    bet clarke could kill the writer with a stern look.

  4. OK. I’ll buy.

    You’re not an “authentic” negro unless you’re an ignorant socialist murdering feral piece of pond scum?

    And I should finance you and GAF about you … exactly why?

    How bout you get off my world?
    Need some help?
    Got your hand out for everything else …

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