She’s a 0.0976 Percenter – IOTW Report

She’s a 0.0976 Percenter

37 Comments on She’s a 0.0976 Percenter

  1. 0.0009 Indian ?
    That is below the margin of error, or even accuracy, of such a test.
    A test that was ‘given’ by a ‘friend.’ (A ‘beach friend?’)
    The test was bolstered with data from non relevant groups (Peru, Mexico…).
    A test that was ‘given’ independently- in the same manner that the dnc computers were analyzed to determine hacking, and also how ford was ‘given’ her polygraph.

  2. She’s actually less Native American than the average white American. That’s such a low percentage that they probably just guessed it was Native American. I’ve got the same percent “Pacific Islander” on my DNA profile, but the rest is Irish, English, and Northern Eurpoean; so that errant trace could be just testing error.

  3. Good lord, how many years does one go back to watch a Neanderthal rape a tender Indian virgin? 600? 800? 1000? 2000? How many generations does it take to get to .00097?
    Currently, if you were not born on a Resi you can’t collect benefits and I think the requirement for calling Indians brothers is 15 or 20 percent native American blood.

  4. From the article:

    “Bustamante calculated that Warren’s pure Native American ancestor appears in her family tree “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.” That timing fits Warren’s family lore, passed down during her Oklahoma upbringing, that her great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, was at least partially Native American.

    Smith was born in the late 1700s. She identified as white in historical documents, though at the time Indians faced discrimination, and Smith would have had strong incentives to call herself white if possible.”

    Read that last sentence again, then ask yourself, “Why are white or part-white people now claiming to identify as other ethnicities?”

  5. Identity Politics. The natural, illogical conclusion.

    (I was trying to find the My Cousin Vinny clip where Pesci encounters the pool hall guy who wants to give him the $200. but Pesci tells him to unroll the money to show him what’s under the $20.) Liawatha.

  6. They got their lying headline and blared it far and wide.

    6-10 generations ago, someone in her family tree fucked Squanto. Since she’s around 75, that would mean that happened around 1780?

    And to this day, she still has their sacred, hallowed recipe for Maryland-style crab cakes.

  7. Does she qualify for a casino paycheck? No?

    Then sit down and shut up. Indian style, if your prefer.

    You calling my mama a liar? No, ma’am. I’m just saying her tall tales make Paul Bunyan look like Peter Dinklage.

  8. We’re alleged to share 98% (?) of our DNA with the Greater Primates (not Anglican Bishops but Gorillas and Chimps) so – WTF does this 1/1024 even imply?

    Is that 1/1024 of the remaining 2% or is that 1/1024 of the whole enchilada?

    Sounds like a lot of Buffalo shit to me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. She can’t, because then she’d be obligated to repay the education funds she stole from a more deserving, actual native American.
    And like all democrats, she’s not nearly as philanthropic with her own money as she is with yours.

  10. Sometime visual aids actually aid in grasping numbers.

    If this single dot is the part of her that’s Indian:


    These dots represent the part that’s not:


  11. I’d like to see the entire report to see the percentage of African or East Asian DNA. I’m guessing both are greater than 0.0976%, i.e. within the margin of error.


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