She’s The Terror of Antwerp Boulevard – IOTW Report

She’s The Terror of Antwerp Boulevard

A 79 year-old granny was busted for going 148 MPH in Belgium.


Friends, you should respect your elders. They’ve seen things, they know things, and often times they’re quite forthright about saying so. That’s what this 79 year-old lady did last year in a courtroom in Belgium, when the judge asked if she was actually the driver of a Porsche Boxster GTS clocked doing 238 kilometers per hour, which translates to well over 140 miles per hour.

Her response was yes, she was driving. Not only that, she reportedly couldn’t sleep so she decided to take a late night drive to clear her head.


ht/ the big owe

12 Comments on She’s The Terror of Antwerp Boulevard

  1. Once your her age you just know how to do things better! My family has a long line of women drivers with lead feet. My Mother was the worst until my Mother’s 103 year old Great Auntie was seen driving her very old Rolls Royce in the middle of heavy traffic. She had one hand on the wheel and the other was making a gesture. They only knew it was her due to the car license because she shrunk so much they could only see the top of her head. She knows everyone is after her keys so she hides them.

  2. My hero. All the wimmin my age are on anti-anxiety/anti-depression pills and this chick is doing 140 mph to cure insomnia. If she had let me know, I woulda ridden shotgun. Maybe this ageing thing is going to be okay after all… Vrooom…

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