Sick of Reading About Ocasio-Cortez? You Shouldn’t Be. She Is the Most Dangerous Figure in America Today – IOTW Report

Sick of Reading About Ocasio-Cortez? You Shouldn’t Be. She Is the Most Dangerous Figure in America Today

American Thinker-

I know that many readers are sick of reading about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. But the reason we cover her is simple; she should be seen as the most dangerous politician in America, someone who threatens our freedom and our future. There can be no compromise with her views, nor with her legions of followers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the perfect manifestation of what the public school system in America has accomplished in the past 40 years. Namely, the failure to teach students how to think critically. This was a deliberate omission made by liberal educators who knew the only way they could impart their vision of America and American history is if they were able to prevent even simple questions from being asked.

The crowd, larger than for any Democratic presidential candidate, cheered its approval.

Other topics Ocasio-Cortez discussed included the Green New Deal and capitalism, which she said could not be redeemed because it puts profit “above everything else.”

“The most important thing is the concentration of capital, and it means that we prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else, and we seek it at any human and environmental cost… But when we talk about ideas like democratic socialism, it means putting democracy and society first, instead of capital first; it doesn’t mean that the actual concept of capitalistic society should be abolished,” she said.

Don’t abolish capitalism but we have to abolish capitalism. There is no logic or reason to what she says. She doesn’t realize that putting “society first” means that someone, somehow, somewhere is going to have to determine what, in society, should be “first.” Who sets priorities? Who will determine what’s best for everyone? What if a lot of people disagree?

AOC cannot imagine anyone disagreeing with her social justice agenda. It is so self-evidently “good” and “compassionate” and “just” that anyone who disagrees is a racist pig who needs to be reeducated.

She reminds me of the Valley girls from the 1980’s – empty headed, moronic, contradictory.

Read More 

ht/ forcibly deranged

23 Comments on Sick of Reading About Ocasio-Cortez? You Shouldn’t Be. She Is the Most Dangerous Figure in America Today

  1. First, the Deep State is exposed for an attempted coup on the President of the United States. Next, a group of communist radicals form a shadow party within the Democratic party and successfully elect candidates that undermine our Constitution.

    I can hardly believe I am writing this.

    Something is going to break – soon. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long hot summer.

  2. Yeah, I’m pretty sick and tired of her. But she needs to be watched and put down like a rabid bitch. But who the fuck is going to do that in The Bronx?
    When she has “Justice Democrats” and their covey of communists behind her?

  3. I call the whole batch the Illuminati, whoever the hell they really are. And it is one body behind it all. The deep state in America is just the Western Division
    They cannot achieve the whole world control until we upstart bastards the Americans are put down.
    Us and our guns and doing what we want and stuff.
    They can kiss my ass
    Lazlo blood would be healthful for the tree of Liberty

  4. Thirdtwin
    F Chuck Todd has apparently not read the stories about little Jewish Soros turning in other Jews during WWII. Reporting directly to the Nazis. A cowardly piece of shit. At any age. The good news, he’ll die soon. The bad news, his kids are just as evil. why in the fxck is this guy still live in America? And how good is their security detail? They need killing. Wait, I’m a comedian.

  5. I’ve been saying that she’s dangerous.

    I don’t like when people make fun of her looks. It only makes her more likable to her crowd. After learning what I learned today in that video, I realize that her looks also played a role in their choice. She’s not pretty like Ivanka or Melania, do not to cause envy. She’s not ugly enough to cause disdain. She’s just the way they want her to be. Even her dumbness is calculated (I posted here a tweet where they claim, and she confirms, that she was some kind of science nerd in school).

    She appeals to Millennials. They vote. They influence others.
    She is dangerous

  6. As to the school system, people have been sounding the alarm for years, especially within the last 10 years and now it’s something nobody can deny. However, the majority of Republican parents, Conservative parents, Christian parents still send their kids to public school.

    Just look at that map that floats around that shows red vs blue on a county basis, if all of those who voted red who have kids would remove them from the public school system it would collapse overnight.

  7. We all knew Obama was a contrivance, but Cortez is a sock puppet.

    Soros has done more damage to our nation than any foreign enemy. The GOPe stands by and does nothing.

    Who should be hanged first, Soros or McConnell?

  8. After reading about the ignorant woman who climbed over a barrier to get a selfie with a jaguar and got a little love pat, maybe we should all chip in and send all these woman’s supporters to a zoo or better yet on a safari.

  9. AOC is but a rattle in the vicious Communist/Globalist snake taking over the whole country, not just politically. This has been happening for a long time, but the intent is now overt and out to complete the takeover. ALL in power are complicit and have so hamstrung Trump that he can’t even save himself, and certainly not vulnerable Americans being destroyed all over the country. We have no patriotic saviors equipped to save us from this treasonous coup. Our country is being overrun by thousands who have no loyalty to the USA, are being allowed in as enemies, and are acting as unrestrained criminals. Our own military is not even protecting at the borders, and a majority are in other countries where they should not even be. MAGA may make a proud hat, but the logo is not happening in reality. It has become only wishful propaganda and is being used as an inflamatory incitement for violence by the destroyers of America. The truth is hard to admit because defeat hurts.

  10. I think it’s more worthwhile to spend time exposing the people behind her and to redirect attention to who they are. They’re not as “adorable” as Cortez is. In fact — to Cortez’s crowd — they’re everything they hate, being white and all. One could even say they’ve enslaved and are exploiting this poor, colored girl from the Bronx, couldn’t they?

  11. In the Venn diagram of Stupid, Evil and Crazy, AOC is dead center in the convergence point, but AA is right, focus on her handlers. Smoke ’em out into the sunlight for all to see! There is something much larger afoot than just a single face here!

  12. “… plague o’ time,
    when madmen lead the blind …”

    Obola, Waters, Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez, machinations of the “Deep State,” Soros, … throughout our history we’ve been exercised by spies, traitors, agents of provocation, liars, thieves, and the corrupt – one of the pitfalls of a Republic is that “Freedom” means exactly that.
    Tyranny is never far from the doorstep.
    The “Golden Age” of Athens (the womb of “democracy”) only lasted about 60 years.
    The Roman Republic was over before it started (being mostly a facade).
    Governments tend to centralize – and smaller groups tend to control that centralization until the Politburo (Central Committee, Deep State, House, Senate, Presidium, or whatever you want to call it) is controlled by one will.
    The Blind follow the Madmen because they can’t direct their own feet – they can’t stand upon their own feet – they must lean on someone who can guide them, hopefully, to a less sordid destination – at least that’s their hope – and in that hope they are (almost always) disastrously disappointed.
    Ocasio-Cortez is the latest Madman to lead the Blind – and they’ll follow her right over the cliff – just as did the Obola-ites, the Hitler-ites, Stalin-ites, the Mao-ites, and the Lenin-ites.

    Hang onto your hats! We’re entering a perfect storm!

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Because the media keeps putting her out there like she’s someone to be reckoned with when she’s actually a retarded ninny.

    Stop taking her seriously, because she an effing flake.

  14. tRuth,

    The storm is coming soon. Stay strong. There is a group of military patriots working behind the scenes of the deep state for 15 years to offset the goals of the deep state.

    You should take heart knowing President Trump was recruited by them, and by the fact he won despite the entire world wide cabal arrayed against him.

    Together they will destroy the deep state for treason starting with de-class and indictments in every state.

    They never thought she would lose…

    I recommend In Pursuit of Truth for all of you. It is a peek behind the curtain.


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