Sidney Powell Knows All About Prosecutorial Misconduct – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Knows All About Prosecutorial Misconduct

General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, was interviewed by Eric Metaxas earlier this week. Much of the conversation centered around Powells 2014 book, “License to Lie” on the systemic abuse of power by a number prosecutors, including the Muller Investigation’s Andrew Wiessmann. While we’ve all been focused lately on DOJ /FBI wrong doing, part of the climate that makes such violations common place is the complete lack of any accountability for prosecutors who use their office to persecute those they investigate. Here

Sidney Powell appearing on BookTV in 2014 to discuss her book. Here


11 Comments on Sidney Powell Knows All About Prosecutorial Misconduct

  1. Something needs to be done about judicial overreach. This idea of “We have bottomless pockets, so you’d better plead guilty to ‘obstruction of justice’ or we’ll send you to prison for 150 years (on trumped-up charges)” has got to stop.

  2. every one of these rat bastards in the DO”J”, & above, should be in jail for abuse of authority & violations of the Constitution (particularly Mueller, Weismann, Comey, Obama, Brennen, Jarrett & Lynch) … which they all swore to uphold

    until we hold these people accountable for their actions against the citizens of this country we are not a free nation

    … after all, no one is above the law … right Nan?

  3. Agreed GWB’s acolyte BHO kept all the above in power. But had the liberal liar GWB not empowered them they could not have gone after Don!
    Alexander the Great + Sun said, “Know your enemy.”!
    The Rove/Bush cartel is the enemy of “deplorable” and has been for 30 years!

  4. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ December 19, 2019 at 8:34 pm

    At what point should the loyal citizens kneel, place their heads across the block, and pray for the best?

    Should The Party’s an heroes, ever, get back out of the cul de sac, alive?

    Oh, the neighbors were, all, sleeping on the couch? Again? As always? Should the town be sealed off? Party families gathered up? As “insurance”? Party materiel blazed? Until every loyal citizen is released? Every time?

    Should citizens wait for their Day In Court™? Let them pay for what Justice™ they can afford? Maybe we’ll slip our shoes on, if it goes The Party’s way?

    Maybe those citizens just weren’t loyal? After all? Maybe they just got the Justice™ they deserve?

  5. the citizenry has recognized that there are 2 justice systems especially after the fake impeachment and they are pissed. Thousands more people were awakened from their drug induced coma to recognize the double standard. I think there are many more patriots in the DOJ that will work towards their arrest, prosecution and sentencing.

  6. It’s enlightening to talk to some of the old timeers around here, old coots in their 90s. They will tell stories about their grandfathers or fathers, shooting the wrong kind of people from the government, especially the federal government, on sight or soon afterward and burying them somewhere on the mountain out back. Later on no one remembered seeing anyone by that name or description. It would be years before another government representative from the same department dared enter the holler, er valley.

    I’ve never been able to decide if I believe their stories, or if they just like to tell tall tales to see if us youngsters in our 60s or younger will believe them. Mark Twain’s peers seem to have grown up in a culture of creating tall tales for fun. Tales or true stories?? They remind me of some tales told by special forces guys that are often so outlandish they are often difficult to believe are true. But the question of maybe lingers. For sure the heavy hand of the federal government wasn’t so heavy three generations back.

  7. @u math brah ~ yeah, I’m just stupid enough to answer whatever it was that you posted.
    I haven’t the answer to your first question about what point the citizen’s should kneel & put their heads on the block. if it comes (I unfortunately doubt it) I think we will all know.

    a ‘citizen’s war’ against today’s government will not end well for the citizens, imo. it will only take a few armed confrontations, where the inevitable slaughter of citizens will be played out on CNN, with appropriate remarks about the ‘extremism’ of martyred dead & most people will, in fear, hand over their arms. no question about it.

    question: are you going to stand in your doorway, AR-15 in hand, & shoot at your local police (just doing their duty, because ‘government’ ordered them. after all, they have family’s & pensions to protect)? that’s what we’re talking about & that’s what we have to confront … cause, one way or another, it’s coming … maybe not today, or God willing, Trump gets another term, soon after that.

    if we don’t take over the government with like-minded people we are doomed to be enslaved by government … it’s inevitable … it’s been repeated too many times in human history to even be debated. a government that holds to power is a corrupt government … the founders recognized this when they said that our government only works with ‘common people’ serving the rest of the common people … not lifetime politicians … do you know that Michigan’s 12th District (formerly the 15th, then the 16th) has had a Dingell as a representative since 1935? what is this? royalty? what would you call it? today’s kids don’t care about any of this, as long as their cell service is uninterrupted.

    we must stand up! we cannot back down from them. we must confront!

    our ideas must prevail. we can only win if the majority of ‘people’ embrace the idea of a free society. a society that is worth fighting for.
    we have no choice if we are to survive as a nation of ideas, instead of flawed human beings. we have enough of those ruling over us.

    … jumping off my soap box & as soon a Laura Ingraham goes off, I’m lights-out


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