Sign in Twitter bathroom – IOTW Report

Sign in Twitter bathroom

15 Comments on Sign in Twitter bathroom

  1. Yes, I’m still on Twitter. Been shadowbanned, followers deleted, banned a few times for 12 hours and I still came back. I use it mostly to market iOTWr, but have some followers I chat with.

    I am sooooo looking forward to being able to say what I want and keep the followers I get. The more followers, the more I can market iOTWr. Otherwise, I don’t care how many I have. That’s not the point.

    The point is to open people’s minds to the TRUTH!

  2. I was so sick of being called a racist and white supremacist and every other ist, and when i called someone a shithead I was put in jail.
    I expect that to stop. Hopefully.

  3. BFH,
    Don’t call anyone “shithead”. Even shit has its good uses.
    Instead call the person you disagree with a “groomer”.
    Don’t use “pedo” or “Disney”, those terms are too obvious.
    You want to insult while leaving the person blissfully unaware that they’ve been insulted.
    Such as, “you’re a fragment of an ossified dinosaur feces”.

  4. Should have added because we don’t know the final structure of ownership yet and more importantly, Musk can be unpredictable.

    I do very much hope that this is one large piece of a puzzle being assembled that will spell the end of the Democrat party. Our only hope is that they are decimated to the point that they can’t rise out of the ashes for a decade or more.

  5. Just read that it will no longer be a publicly traded company once the deal is completed. No communist shareholders whining, wailing, screeching and crybullying is going to truly make it Elon’s baby. We’ll see what he does with it.

  6. Hand-written sign found on the floor with the words: “Goodbye Cruel World”, laying in a puddle of water that was caused by an overflowing toilet, according to the police.

    According to a police spokesman, he flushed himself down the toilet, effectively drowning himself, and the water overflowed onto the floor. His coworkers said he had been very despondent over the last few days. Police interviewed a coworker who said she and others noticed how depressed he was, more than anyone else in the department.

    Sewer officials and police are monitoring the sewer system so they can recover the body when it shows up, although it is not certain it will, in fact, float to the top. A sewer official said it’s possible it might sink to the bottom and stay there.

  7. I had a fake Twitter account (Facebook too) years ago when you could sign up with a 10 minute email address and no phone number. It’s just so much mental masturbation.

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