Six Customers With Guns Drawn Surround Would-Be Robbers – IOTW Report

Six Customers With Guns Drawn Surround Would-Be Robbers


MARYSVILLE, Wash. — Authorities say two men were surrounded by customers with guns while attempting to steal tools from a Washington store.

The Daily Herald reports the men, ages 22 and 23, allegedly took four nail guns, each worth more than $400, from the Coastal Farm & Ranch store Saturday in Marysville.

The men walked out of the store and got into a Honda Civic, only to be surrounded by about six customers with guns raised.

Court documents say the driver pulled forward, causing one man confronting him to land on the hood.

Documents say another customer shot at the driver’s side front tire, while a third fired twice at the rear tire.

Marysville police found the theft suspects’ car unoccupied about three blocks away, with two flat tires and the tools inside. Both men were apprehended after a search.

ht/ jd hasty

28 Comments on Six Customers With Guns Drawn Surround Would-Be Robbers

  1. I am afraid that Ghost rider is right. They will go after the good guys with everything they have.
    Apologies to Bad Brad who hates hearing this boat thing but perhaps they need to get rid of the their guns. If they were Hillary they could just wipe then down, like with a rag…

    Hey Brad, I though of you when I saw wirecutter post this.

    And for the record, I did lose a gun when in Alaska and the boat rolled in heavy seas off of Kodiak Island. Remington 700 in 30-06. We were returning from a deer hunting trip to Saltrey Cove. Hope you get a laugh out of this.

  2. @joe6pak December 27, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    > you still have to admire their willingness to try and put a stop to the lawlessness

    Leaving the job for The party to take credit for doesn’t even slow the lawlessness’ roll.

  3. I’m with Brad,
    Should have just called 911
    Twats ignorant enough to rob a tool store in broad daylight, are stupid enough to do it with a kid in the getaway car.
    That could have ended badly.

  4. Nonetheless, the good guys left a subtle message to the thousands of would-be-drug-driven-vagrant-criminals who might think of doing the same kind of thing. Plus, btw, Snohomish County (Everett + Marysville) is not King County (Seattle) and has a much better record of supporting citizen’s actions in similar cases.

  5. “You all keep posting about a call to arms and then turn into weasels when somebody steps up.”
    Part of wisdom Anonymous, is picking the battle.
    Blue helmets coming down our streets, I am in the Militia. But a cheap ass property crime less than two thousand dollars and you want blood? I think not.
    Whoever you are, you’re an ass

  6. When the thief tried to run over one of the dudes, it became justifiable homicide. Six guys with guns and nobody could hit the driver? Bad shooting.

    All that said, it was only worth getting the plate #. Run out there with a cell phone and not a gun.

  7. @Poor Lazlo December 27, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    > Part of wisdom Anonymous, is picking the battle.
    > Blue helmets coming down our streets, I am in the Militia. But a cheap ass property crime less than two thousand dollars and you want blood?

    Waiting to join up, until after the war is lost, is a fine, fine way, to pick a battle.

    (h/t to Tony Carey for the soundtrack)

  8. I notice that nowadays, in much of the reportage on crimes like this, the names are no longer given. Even our local rag which prints the Police Blotter no longer includes names. Just one more way the Fake News obscures the truth from us.

  9. The need for citizen vigilantes is growing as the criminals have become openly blatant in their activities. They assume they will not be stopped, not even by cops that just might show up, or not. Thus the need for armed vigilantes. See the good guys in action, but say nothing to ID them.

  10. First thought: this sounds great, and in State of Washington too!

    And, but… tools? Kids? And didn’t stop them in the store? Are you kidding me? Six men with guns drawn for a couple of kids who stole some tools?

    Final thought: Nope. One of these “brave” gunslingers shot at the car as it was pulling away. That’s a huge no-no. It’s not only illegal, it’s idiot.


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