Smart Thermostats Locks Down 20,000 AC Units During Heat Wave – IOTW Report

Smart Thermostats Locks Down 20,000 AC Units During Heat Wave


Xcel confirmed to Contact Denver7 that 22,000 customers who had signed up for the Colorado AC Rewards program were locked out of their smart thermostats for hours on Tuesday.

Comrade Citizens, it is important that we support the needs of the energy collective.  All good thinking citizens put the needs of the state ahead of their selfish desires.

As the national energy emergency now begins to unfold, the officials in charge of energy resource equity remind everyone how critical it is to remain compliant with all ministerial energy objectives.  Compliance is expected from all correct thinking citizens. More

36 Comments on Smart Thermostats Locks Down 20,000 AC Units During Heat Wave

  1. RC – Red Wire (Power 24 Vac)
    W – White Wire (For Heating Enable)
    Y – Yellow Wire (For Cooling Enable)
    G – Green Wire (Controls Fan ON-Auto)

    Twisting together the red, yellow, and green wires should turn on the AC. It does in my house.

  2. This isn’t a new thing. I lived in a rental house in 2016 in CO where the owner had signed up with Xcel’s smart program and just randomly on very hot or cold days it would have a message on the thermostat that said something about throttling and I could not cool below 88 or heat above 58. I called and try to remove it and they said once a house had it, it could not be removed. Interesting they want to start acting like this a new thing.

  3. Tsquared. we’re talking about people who signed up to get a 25 dollar yearly credit in exchange for someone else to control their thermostat. None of these people own a screwdriver to get the thermostat off the wall or the panel off the furnace to find wires. Hell, these things hook up to wifi, they probably think there are no wires anyhow.

  4. I know a guy who thought he just had to have a smart thermostat connected to his smart security system. He didn’t find it so smart when it was hacked and his furnace was turned on this summer when it was over 100 degrees outside, his lights were turned on and his doors were locked where he couldn’t get in.

    He was trying to change all of it on his phone and it wouldn’t let him. No way would I have all of this. I did have to buy a smart tv and smart refrigerator because I could not find any that weren’t, but those I bought can have the wifi turned off and neither have a camera. I didn’t like buying either and went to 6 towns and numerous stores trying to avoid it. I’m not even sure what makes the fridge smart, the only thing that can be done on it is change the temp.

  5. My electric cooperative has forced all customers on to smart meters. It saves them sending out meter readers, however it opens up the potential to voluntarily have your electric heat turned off when the temperature goes below -10F. I’ve seen it happen to a pair of 80-year-olds who liked to use their cabin in January.

    I expect someday they will unilaterally force that control over the thermostat on all customers on the threat of having the meter removed and no electricity at all if you don’t comply.

    Don’t rely on electric heat alone if you live in a place that gets below zero annually.

  6. I can just imagine the usual maroon pulling off the alien thermostat. He will see a rainbow of colors. Mine is a 2 stage with 8 wires. The maroon will then touch the black to the red and blow the 24v fuse back in the FAU. Now he will have fun.

  7. Tsquared & Kali are CORRECT

    R = Power
    G = Fan
    Y1 = Cool

    technically its not the colour of the wires but the terminal designations.

    Just using R to Y1 may not start the INDOOR FAN & the unit will ice up.


    They have a reversing valve – That gets tricky depending on what type

    It is the 24 volt Return side & will BLOW the control fuse in the Furnace/Air handler

    Best yet: Go but a cheap basic Honeywell NON PROGRAMMABLE NON WI-FI basic stat A learn some self discipline.

    HVAC tech since 1988

  8. “Surely the govt won’t do this to digital currency, electric vehicles, internet service, etc.” -Loco

    And the “etc.” includes airlines, trains, buses, commercial taxis, banking (including withdrawals and bill paying), buying most anything in a store, renewing car tabs, driver’s licenses, building permits… and a whole lot more of those “etceteras.”

    RC is “RED power for COOL”
    RH is “RED power for HEAT” -In many cases RC & RH are jumped together
    W1 is HEAT

    So a cooling bypass Could be
    R – Y1 – G

    Rc – Y1 – G

    Rc – Rh -Y1 – G

    Just be careful not to blow fuses or transformers – Parts are in short supply for the last 2 years.

  10. I remember my brother in law extolling the virtue of allowing his insurance company to track his vehicle for a couple hundred dollar rate reduction. He was so exited.
    He was also a member of the Toronto Metropolitan Police at the time,you would figure he would have more seance.
    To “Serve and Protect”.
    I could hit him upside the head sometimes.

  11. Time to cut the government in half. Scale back to bare necessities. The government has far too much power and they’re using that power to destroy us and reward China. The Feds have unlimited power to destroy our economy and there’s nothing we can do. The government is now so large they can force you to take a suicide jab, dump Cailfornia water into the ocean, tear down nuclear plants, take out hydro power, shut down coal and natural-gas electricity generators, prohibit development of thermal energy, lie to us about methane hydrate, prohibit exploration and development of MH deposits laying on the ocean floor all over the world, prevent development of all the above, force the thermal and wind hoaxes on us, demand electric cars, and tell us we’re using too much electricity. The Feds will also prohibit the development of pipelines to transfer surplus water to states in a drought. The Columbia river dumps 1300 cubic yards of water into the Pacific Ocean every second. States all over the west could use that wasted water. Ask a farmer. Whose side is the Federal government on?

  12. ecp,

    How about the people that sign up for the $25 credit, jumper Y1 with a manual override switch, and cash the check laughing at gaming the greenie’s system?

    Kcir – I didn’t include the fan wire because I assumed, possibly incorrectly, that the fan circulation option was still under manual control and could be turned on even when the t-stat was locked. But yea… turning on the compressor without the fan will ice up the coil and cause damage!


  13. Dr. Tar, they did this to us as well. We fought them for the longest time and for awhile they didn’t make us have one, but then the time came where nobody was given a choice.
    I actually liked my meter reader, one of the few people I didn’t mind on my property.

    We have wood and gas heat and a generator.

  14. AlexB,

    I’m thinking/hoping your kidding around as in…

    White Lithium Grease is Racist & Black Grease Matters. etc.


    “SENSE” not Seance, unless your B. in Law calls upon the dead.


  15. Here is a simpler solution for non-technical people.
    Get a heating pad or electric blanket and tape it to the wall, covering the thermostat. Plug it in and set it on the lowest heat setting. It will locally heat the thermostat and trick it into thinking the room is over the “locked” temperature setting. The AC should run as you wish. Be careful though, because if you let it go to long you might frost over your windows….

  16. Forget it.

    From now on, I’m sticking in my lane and only giving advice on building igloos & How to park my Dog Sled at the Hudson’s Bay Fur Trading Co.

    Cheers, I gotta Go make Kraft Dinner & Hot Dogs

  17. @Jethro, won’t they know you’re cheating when the thermostat reports into the central unit or are these things only one way communication, from the power company to the house?

    I like the idea though, especially for the elderly and infants who can’t regulate their own body temp as well as adults.

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