‘Some Of You Have Accused Me Of Being A Traitor’: Tulsi Gabbard Lays Into ‘The View’ – IOTW Report

‘Some Of You Have Accused Me Of Being A Traitor’: Tulsi Gabbard Lays Into ‘The View’

Daily Caller: Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard pulled no punches Wednesday when she joined ABC’s “The View,” calling out the show’s hosts for suggesting she was a “traitor.”

Whoopi Goldberg introduced the 2020 presidential hopeful and attempted to begin the segment with a question about the recent testimony of U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland, but Gabbard was not having it.

Referencing Sondland’s recently-updated testimony, Goldberg turned to Gabbard and asked, “Were you surprised by what he did yesterday?”

“Well, look. The facts are important, and we’ll get to that. I want to start with something that I think is also important about facts because recently on your show here — some of you have accused me of being a traitor to my country, a Russian asset, a Trojan horse or —” Gabbard began.

“We haven’t accused you,” Joy Behar protested.

“‘Useful idiot’ I think is the term that you used,” Gabbard pushed back. more

12 Comments on ‘Some Of You Have Accused Me Of Being A Traitor’: Tulsi Gabbard Lays Into ‘The View’

  1. Tulsi serverd two deployments in an area where she wouldn’t choose as her first choice for a vacation…..FUCK her….All she needs to do is listen to Hillary for the last 35 years and the idiots that are the other presidential candidates and she would be conservative, but she can’t because she’s a wolf in sheeps clothing….bitch!

  2. Tulsi served mostly as “morale gear” for the male soldiers way behind the front in a medical unit and she thinks this makes her some kind of Eisenhower fit to lead this nation. Her platform reads like a horror novel. Anyone who puts the Green New Deal on their platform is either a complete and utter mental retard or disingenuous lib-vote pandering crunt, or both. I wouldn’t screw her with Anthony Weiner’s weiner.

  3. She’s attractive and smart.
    Deceitful and malevolent.

    She lies as easily and convincingly as Bill Clinton.
    She is amoral – thus shame and conscience have no hold on her.
    She’s more dangerous to America than Warren, Sanders, Biden, and the rest of that Klown Posse, in the same manner as Obola – the clean, articulate, nebulous negro – who didn’t appear as a threat – no snarling – no mustache – no serious proclamations – only pap and pablum – vagueries – a thinly disguised, beguiling (for too many) condescension.

    izlamo delenda est …


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