Some Videos Need Repeating – Admiral Lyons – IOTW Report

21 Comments on Some Videos Need Repeating – Admiral Lyons

  1. Tell It Like It Is. Amen brother!

    I now a retired O-9 who served right around the same time Adm Lyons did. I cant wait to ask him for more Lyons info.

  2. I don’t think JFnKerry would show his mashed potato face to a meeting of patriots like that…
    The voice sounds to me like the voice who introduced Admiral Lyons, Reagan’s man, Frank Gaffney, with Center for Security Policy. (The third head to the right of Lyons, and turning to the right)

  3. Back when the only rules of engagement were “kill the enemy”. Which is as it should be today. If you can’t tell whether they are an enemy or not, shoot ’em just to be safe.

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