Soros kicked in $2M to elect Maricopa County sheriff now stonewalling election audit – IOTW Report

Soros kicked in $2M to elect Maricopa County sheriff now stonewalling election audit

Just The News

More than four years before Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone used his law enforcement credibility to resist subpoenas in the Arizona Senate audit of the county’s general election, he was running for the office he now holds.

Crucial to the Democrat’s victory over incumbent Republican Joe Arpaio: $2 million from progressive megadonor George Soros.

It was the largest single donation Soros made in a local race in the 2016 election cycle, according to a Politico report at the time. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, kicked in another $250,000 to the pro-Penzone effort.

The money went to a political action committee, Maricopa Strong, that spent heavily on mailers and TV ads promoting Penzone and knocking Arpaio, nationally known for his stringent immigration enforcement and prosecution by President Obama’s Justice Department. read more

8 Comments on Soros kicked in $2M to elect Maricopa County sheriff now stonewalling election audit

  1. Shocked!
    I’m shocked!

    When old Joe Kennedy bought the Sheriffs of West Virginia (to ensure John’s “election”), he got em a lot cheaper than that!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If people would think for themselves and make their own decisions instead of letting themselves be told how to think by the elite who own the politicians, then money would make no difference in elections.

    But people don’t do that.

    How many people ever actually examine their own thinking and analytically ask themselves why they think that way?

  3. Is it any wonder scum like Soros, Gates etc view the general public with such contempt? They merely spend what’s the equivalent of their pocket lint and control millions of gullible people and destroy the nations foundations.


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