Sour Grapes! LGBT Activists Want To Cancel The Super Bowl – IOTW Report

Sour Grapes! LGBT Activists Want To Cancel The Super Bowl

football and field

After Houston voters shot down an ordinance that would have further provided nondiscrimination rights for gay and transgender people, LGBT activists have called for an economic boycott of the city, including pressuring the NFL to move the 2017 Super Bowl from Houston’s NRG Stadium.

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30 Comments on Sour Grapes! LGBT Activists Want To Cancel The Super Bowl

  1. Because Sam Guy won’t get a trophy?

    How about if Bruce Jenner dresses as a cheerleader, using the men’s locker room, and performs a topless dance at halftime?

  2. Let them take their best shot. Let’s see how much power they really have when coming up against something like the NFL. I don’t think the NFL will suffer bullies gladly.

  3. WAAAHHHHHH!!! The poor, poor GBLTs can’t stand the excess of testosterone and manliness.

    (pronounced, like the bird innards, jib-lets or gib-lets) (borrowed, with thanks, from another post. sorry, can’t remember the source)

  4. Like the perverted alphabet crowd go to football games. How do you boycott something you never had any intention of supporting?
    The S/bowl is sold out, it’s always sold out, what, are they going to do instead, watch dancing with the stars?
    Progs, not self-aware.

  5. I’m taking issue with the description “further provided non-discrimination rights to gays and transgenders” as stated in the introduction to this thread. The Houston ordinance would have provided “special privileges” to Giblets (thanks, Uncle Al) not available to the vast majority of people. For example, if I identify as a normal heterosexual male (true with the possible exception of the “normal” part), then I cannot use the women’s restroom or lounge around in a women’s locker room. Conversely, Houston women would have had to put up with the small number of perverts, err… Giblets who insist on using facilities designed solely for women.

    Otherwise, carry on and mock away.

  6. and make the Gay Pride Parade Field Marshall Hildabeest..she can even bring her snatch mooslim Huma with her….maybe they will mow the carpet on the back of the convertible for all to see….imagine that! standing ovations by the LGBT crowd, and Barky in front….leading the cheers.

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