South Dakota Sioux Tribe Warned To Remove Roadblocks From Highways – IOTW Report

South Dakota Sioux Tribe Warned To Remove Roadblocks From Highways


The governor of South Dakota has issued ultimatums to two Sioux Native American tribes to remove travel checkpoints on state and US highways aimed at protecting themselves from the coronavirus.

Governor Kristi Noem sent letters to the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe on Friday requesting that they remove the checkpoints surrounding their reservations within 48 hours or “the state will take necessary legal action”.  More

26 Comments on South Dakota Sioux Tribe Warned To Remove Roadblocks From Highways

  1. Do not do what canuckistan did, esp. during this Covid-1984 shit.

    Move them the fuck out and arrest them, otherwise it will repeat every 10 years.

  2. This reminds of a story I read about Gallup,NM with a spike of its own? Sounds weird?

    I had heard about Gallup and thought? WTF, why in Gallup?? And then read the below.

    Turns out, the OPPOSITE happened, the Indians brought it to Gallup from up north in Navajo country and you might be surprised as to why or how?? So feaking complicated…

    Btw, that site has iOTW on the go to list there on the right tab…

  3. So the Sioux do not trust the State and Federal Government to protect them from the virus?

    I have no problem with them setting up roadblocks to protect their communities.

  4. @Tee Pee those are federal and state highways, not private driveways. The tribes can put their checkpoints on their own roads on their own land, they can’t restrict access were they have no sovereignty.

  5. The settlers had read Jeremiah, the Illiad, the Aeneid, and several stories about medieval siege warfare, so they knew about how thirst, starvation and disease wears down the besieged. You attack my fort with disease, we counter-attack with disease. Turnabout is fair play. It’s not our fault you never made any fortifications.

  6. Dr. Tar,

    Shall we travel together the many long white driveways branching off very well maintained and ‘wonderfully natural’ State roads, high-ways and buy-ways?

  7. So they want all the benefits of being an American, tax returns, schools, protection, vote, social security etc, until they want to be a separate nation.

    I say, every time they protest on American soil, arrest them, and send them back, “You are not Americans, we don’t play that, get off our land and go back to your independent nation.”

  8. As a Seminole I noticed that white men have taken everything from the American Indian, why not finish them off, you can justify anything if you close your mind like the others from you dark past.

  9. Dr. Tar,

    One must be not only Rich but also Powerful to maintain select roads nicely. Those same isolated stretches of multi-states highways are selectively well maintained with the latest in anti-loiter technologies.

    Keep on Driving, nothing to see here.
    Next Gas, 20 miles.
    Speed Zones strictly enforced for max anti-loiter effectivity
    Bloombergvillas and Pelosiopads Protected Plantlife.
    No Stopping.

    Rich alone only gets flex sealed.


  10. @deplorable second class:
    I have a honest & sincere question. I recently read a remark on a historical group website I follow. It was that wars are always a fight over resources. I thought that was profound.

    One person commented about battles between settlers and Indians. Another posed a hypothetical question: If Indians had the technology and capacity for ocean travel would they have made the voyage to Europe [or elsewhere] and attempted to settle and colonize places they found suitable?

    Again, I’m not asking this question to justify or erase what was done to Indians in he new world. My thought process is; how did it happen, how do we prevent it from happening, and how do address what we’ve done?

    Your thoughts?

  11. Aren’t tribes recognized by the federal government considered sovereign nations? Doesn’t that mean they’re entitled to close their borders if they see fit? I’m all for the Sioux on this one.

  12. “So the Sioux do not trust the State and Federal Government to protect them from the virus?”

    “So the Sioux do not trust the State and Federal Governments?”

    You’d have to be one dumb fuckin Indian to trust the government!
    Come to think of it, you’d have to be a pretty dumb fukkin ANYTHING to trust a government – ANY government.

    izlamo delenda est …


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