Spielberg’s ‘Woke Side Story’ Is a Bigger Flop than ‘Cats’ – IOTW Report

Spielberg’s ‘Woke Side Story’ Is a Bigger Flop than ‘Cats’



Director Steven Spielberg’s woketard remake of West Side Story is an even bigger worldwide flop than Cats, the 2019 musical that’s widely seen as one of the biggest box office disasters of all time.

Despite withering reviews and quickly becoming a national joke for its ill-conceived costuming and makeup, Cats somehow managed to gross $73.8 million worldwide. That breaks down to $27.1 million domestic and $46.6 million overseas.

West Side Story, which won glowing reviews and is helmed by Spielberg, one of the most popular directors in movie history, has grossed just $52.7 million worldwide. That breaks down to $29.5 million here in the U.S. and $23.2 million internationally.

West Side Story will continue to make a little money, but after 24 days and three weekends, its box office run is pretty much over, and it is not only Spielberg’s biggest flop but one of the most expensive and notorious flops in Hollywood history.

Between the production and marketing costs, Disney likely dropped $200 million into this woke remake no one asked for. The much-beloved, Oscar-winning 1961 original was all about bringing Americans together. This remake was marketed, not only on the ludicrous idea the original required a woke correction but on dividing us. Spielberg was so intent on racially dividing us; he refused to include English subtitles in the scenes where the characters spoke Spanish. In other words, if you aren’t bilingual, you’re not welcome here.

The left-wing apologists in the entertainment media will, naturally, blame Woke Side Story’s failure on the pandemic. Well, the fact that Spider-Man: No Way Home has already grossed over $600 million domestic and $1.3 billion worldwide blows that notion right out of the water.


19 Comments on Spielberg’s ‘Woke Side Story’ Is a Bigger Flop than ‘Cats’

  1. I didn’t like the first one.

    Just not interested in Chicken Pluckers.

    So why the fuck would I watch the Remake about Chicken Pluckers?

  2. I am no fan of musicals, but if the original WSS was a classic, you don’t remake a classic.

    I think, back in the 70’s there was a TV movie that was supposed to be an update of Gone With The Wind. It was pretty bad and critics nailed it.

    Speilberg did not consider the history of remakes. Leave the classics alone.

  3. “Between the production and marketing costs, Disney likely dropped $200 million into this woke remake no one asked for.”

    I’m not fond of the original, either, except a couple of it’s tunes.

  4. Having participated in my high school’s production of West Side Story back in the 80’s, I was looking forward to seeing this new adaptation.
    …Until I heard wokeness had infected it, particularly the spoken Spanish not being translated for the average viewer.
    I quickly lost interest in seeing this film, and have no hope to see it succeed.

  5. Spielberg’s biggest flop but one of the most expensive and notorious flops in Hollywood history.

    The sadness I feel is immeasurable. Because no instrument has been created that can measure anything that small.

  6. I enjoyed WSS (the ’61 original). This one, not-so-much.
    And all these remakes, replacing the original actors and actresses with “others”, seldom works out well.
    Ask the cast of “Dukes of Hazzard”, the movie vs the TV series.
    And all the remakes of “Wizard of OZ” (1939).

    If anyone is going to remake “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY, STICK WITH THE BOOK! That Disneyfied version is an abomination! Dick van Dyke dancing and prancing, all that music. Yuck! Ian Fleming (yes, Mr James Bond wrote this children’s book) must still be spinning in his grave. CCBB is an adventure story scaled down for children, it’s not a Disney musical. Gak!

    (damn! I had another original vs copy example, but my train of thought got derailed. hopefully later)


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