Spotlight On a Parrot – IOTW Report

Spotlight On a Parrot

iOTW will do this from time to time, pluck an obscure comment from the blogosphere with the sole purpose of giving someone a spotlight they didn’t expect to have when they woke up in the morning.


 This is part of a Hobby Lobby comment she left on Matt Walsh’s blog
Moreover, Hobby Lobby has stated that they want to eliminate all forms of contraception because they are morally opposed to them. But what gives them (Hobby Lobby) the ability to mandate their religious believes onto their employees?What about the fact that some 90% of their goods are made in China where the who country practices ABORTION by killing female children? There are levels of hypocrisy that exist within this companies “moral high ground”

I dropped Stacey a little comment.-

 I find it hard to believe that I will be the first person to ever rebut your statements. That you will continue to repeat them after rebuttal speaks to your – I want to say tenacity, but I will put it bluntly – stupidity.

What gives employees the right to mandate their religious beliefs onto their employees? Nothing does. And Hobby Lobby isn’t. If Hobby Lobby was an Islamic company and they demanded all employees wear a head scarf, that would be an imposition upon its employees.

Conversely, if you ran a business and your Muslim employees demanded that you pay for cliterectomies you’d be getting closer to what Hobby Lobby is facing, unless you’re all for that practice. Are you?

Your second point is absolutely stupid.

Hobby Lobby’s water and electricity comes from a country that has legalized abortion – the United States.

Should they stop doing business with them, too?

Stacey is probably a lost cause. She’s obviously at the intellectual level where she can successfully mouth talking points, like a parrot in a pet store. But, like that parrot, she has no idea why she is saying, “restrooms for customers only. Brrroorrrk.”

If Stacey is merely lazy we might be able to poke her into thinking a bit more and she might one day stop pulling the lever, mindlessly, for the left.

If she’s an actual moron she’ll probably faithfully remain in the party of stupid, so, we’ll have to be content using her as a Bop Bag. Sometimes that can be fun.


 Matt Walsh does a good job of weeding through the Hobby Lobby parrot droppings and calmly addressing them one by one.  It’s a good read.


18 Comments on Spotlight On a Parrot

  1. Notice that for the purpose of furthering her agenda, she cluelessly steps on a land mine, calling what China does “killing female children.”

    You’re almost home, Stacey.

    Keep bouncing the neurons around in that empty skull.

  2. Radical egalitarianism, youth-obsession, instant publishing and malignant narcissism normed inside totalitarian political correctness.

    Hers is not a “believes” system, it’s a mental gulag.

  3. The most important point, and I’m sure it comes to no surprise to anyone here, is that Hobby Lobby isn’t denying anyone the right to anything. But it needs to be clearly articulated what the issue really is: Should Hobby Lobby be FORCED to PAY for SOMEONE ELSE’s Health plan/abortion/contraceptive/food/rent/phone bill/anything? NO! Their employees can today go have their Uterus Roto-rootered all they want. Hobby Lobby isn’t impeding them in any way. But they will have to pay their own freakin tab. And that’s exactly how it should be. This isn’t even about religious beliefs, or health care. It’s about being forced into communism, plain and simple.

  4. *shudder* If that’s her picture, it’s scary that someone this stupid is raising a child, proving that it doesn’t take brains to breed. I’ll say a prayer for that little boy.

  5. I find this a lot on Twitter. Go to Sarah Palin’s site, Allen West’s, Herman Cain’s, and I’m sure a lot of other conservatives, and the trolls are simple minded libs that only repeat what they hear on Jon Stewart or MSNBC. As soon as you challenge them they revert to name calling or bringing up totally unrelated topics such as the Koch brothers or George Bush, or Reagan. It’s fun to torment them for a while, but it gets boring after a bit, there’s just no challenge to it.

    That’s why we up the ante by thrusting them in front of thousands of people.
    I usually wait for them to respond to my comment and then I drop the link to this.
    Now THAT is fun. -bfh

  6. The socialists and Demonrats CANNOT allow the concept that “A man should not be forced to contribute to any cause which he adamantly opposes” to metastasize throughout the Republic or the entire edifice of coercing God-fearing Law-abiding people to finance their own destruction falls apart.

    They cannot allow moral choice to obstruct the highway to Hell.

  7. She’s acting like HL is forcing people to do ____. Which they are not. Only the government forces you to do things you don’t want and or are against The Constitution.

    After you leave work at HL, they are not calling your house making sure you are buying, eating, screwing what HL tells you to buy, eat, or screw.

    You can do what you want with your OWN money, so don’t tell HL what they should do with theirs.

  8. I have a pharmacist friend whom I have known for 13 years. In that 13 years I have never known her to lie or even embellish. She is on FB reporting that HL has denied all BC to its employees; her reporting is detailed and flourished with pharm speak. Her pharm friends are in full accordance.
    Either my friend is ill-informed or lying. I value this woman’s friendship and am sickened at what I am taking to be lies posted by my friend. I do know that she has a rabid hatred for faith which apparently has over rode her scientific training. So sad.

  9. Hobby Lobby pays for 16 0f the 20 “acceptable” (under Obamacare) birth control methods.

    They objected to the four that provided abortion.

    They won.

    No female employee of Hobbly Lobby is being denied “birth control.”

    A camel’s-nose-under-the-tent prime eample – you have to be old enough to remember the camel’s nose first appearance.

    I remember when the Pill was argued to be immoral. Now we’re arguing about who should pay for a slut’s lifetyle.

  10. Real friends don’t lie to friends.

    Boobie, that’s U of Nebraska Medical Center. She’s a doctor. Like who Annie is referring to, she should know better, unless she’s intentionally lying to her “friends.”

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