Starlink Now Being Deployed On U.S. Navy Warships – IOTW Report

Starlink Now Being Deployed On U.S. Navy Warships


The U.S. Navy says it is on the verge of having improved persistent, reliable, and secure high-speed internet connections across its fleets thanks to a project leveraging commercial satellite constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink. This is a sorely needed upgrade in connectivity that offers important operational and morale-boosting benefits for the crews of Navy ships wherever they might be sailing.

What is formally known as Sailor Edge Afloat and Ashore (SEA2) originally began as an ad-hoc effort aboard the Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. Now it “is on the cusp of being available on every Navy ship and more shore sites,” according to a recent news item from the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR). more here

18 Comments on Starlink Now Being Deployed On U.S. Navy Warships

  1. @Every US Enemy — I think you’ll find that all USN shipboard EMF emissions are pretty carefully controlled. Plus, Starlink’s low power uplink is directional, and the direction is up, not out.

  2. They’re still going to need a large remnant who know how to use sextants and dead reckoning for navigation when and if the satellite global positioning systems break down. If all else fails, they can still rely on the old school technology that has worked for millennia since the dawn of navigating the high seas.

  3. geoff – If all else fails, they can still rely on the old school technology that has worked for millennia since the dawn of navigating the high seas.

    Go find a kid that can read and write Script. It is no longer taught in schools anymore. I fear that is the case for a lot of things these days turning them into lost arts.

  4. Other lost arts are writing in cursive, being able to use a slide rule, using an old school paper map, knowing the math tables and being able to do it in your head and being literate in both the English language and our shared history, both the good and bad and be able to read and write coherently and to spell correctly. What used to be called the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. And knowing the differences between men and women and that there are only 2 God given sexes and not multiple variations thereof. A little old fashioned common sense would go a long way also. And knowing that true freedom always comes from God and not from the govt. If that makes me racist or any other kind of phobic the left can kiss my ass and go to hell.

  5. In my day aboard USS Kitty Hawk, we had MARS stations. A series of ham radio operators that linked all together across the globe so that sailors could contact family. It was cumbersome but great for moral. My goodness, the technology of today is unbelievable.

  6. This must be the price Musk paid for backing Trump. As well as getting SpaceX out of the government detention hall.

    “…morale-boosting benefits for the crews of Navy ships…”

    Know what’s a great morale-booster? Not being at sea for years on end in decrepit ships with incompetent lesbian captains.


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