State Department sends $22 million in coronavirus aid to terrorist breeding ground Bangladesh – IOTW Report

State Department sends $22 million in coronavirus aid to terrorist breeding ground Bangladesh

In recent years the U.S. has recorded record high rates of Bangladeshi nationals with possible ISIS connections illegally entering the country.

Just The News: The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s. 

We are awarding the horseshoe this week to the State Department for sending $22 million to Bangladesh to help combat the coronavirus pandemic.

Over the course of the past 20 years, Bangladesh has received more than $1 billion in U.S. funds aimed at public health efforts. This latest round of aid is earmarked for “enhancing risk communication messages to increase knowledge and dispel myths and misconceptions,” according to the State Department. America numbers among the few nations providing financial assistance to Bangladesh during the pandemic. read more here

12 Comments on State Department sends $22 million in coronavirus aid to terrorist breeding ground Bangladesh

  1. Is there anybody in Washington who should be held responsible for every dollar spent that are in these bills? Apparently not.
    As taxpayers aren’t we allowed any accountability how are tax dollars are spent? Apparently not.
    They spend like drunken sailors with no consequences. 😢☹️😬

  2. “In recent years the U.S. has recorded record high rates of Bangladeshi nationals with possible ISIS connections illegally entering the country.”

    Can they be any worse than the Democrats already here?

  3. This is reason to fire the entire federal
    civil service.

    There are too many entrenched bureaucrats
    who do whatever they feel like doing in
    spite of changes of administration.


    And clean house at the FBI and DOJ .

  4. Don’t forget that your taxes are due on July 15th this year! Isn’t wonderful that you can help those poor benighted Africans that have done so much for us, Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  5. $22 million dollars? United States dollars? In corona virus aid?

    Just think. How many planeloads of plague riddled, special, people that could have flown in. Into The United States. In direct defiance of quarantine. In direct defiance of orders.

    I just hope Queen Nancy, and King Donald, let me pay for that. That “corona virus”… um… “aid”.

  6. Are you telling me George Harrison’s 1971 Concert for Bangladesh didn’t put the natives on the path to prosperity?

    Anytime there’s a “concert or telethon” put on by musicians or Hollywood posers, check their bank accounts.


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