Sticks and Stones – IOTW Report

Sticks and Stones


49 Comments on Sticks and Stones

  1. I’m going to post this on my FB and “stir the pot”.
    My daughter in law just posted the most asinine rant from Fauxcahantas about Trump being a coward because. . . . whatever.
    I deleted it immediately. Don’t want to listen to her Sensitive Special Snowflake and her fiends (not a misspell) “rebuttal” to my facts.

  2. The left has a candidate that can’t compete in the arena of ideas and falls in the polls every time she opens her diseased mouth. Their only hope is to destroy Trump and shame people into not supporting him. All of the BS just makes me more bound than ever to the guy.

  3. I intend to vote for Trump in November. But, I must ask about Trump’s voting record. Please tell me what Trump has done to deserve such respect? He built a skating rink? Did he challenge SCOTUS over 2A and win? I know why Hiliary sucks and why she should face charges, but what I want to know, specifically, is why Trump should be elevated to such a position of respect.

  4. Brad, you are correct that I am not a Trump fan, but first and foremost, I am a #NEVERFUCKINGHILLARY dude. As you know, I am holding my nose and voting Trump in November. I am also very vocal about making sure Trump has both houses of congress to get his ideals passed into law, unlike you. You are a very proud #NeverCruz advocate. You have repeatedly said that if Cruz won the nomination that you would not vote for him and let Hillary win. With that said, stop the sanctimonious bullshit. You publicly say that you don’t care about who wins down ballot races so long as Trump gets CIC. Your ignorance astounds me.

  5. People, especially NeverTrump crowd will never change their political beliefs. If you want to spread that manure around here that’s fine. I ain’t buying it. Go ahead, vote Hillary.

  6. No, that’s Bull Shit. And I don’t think FUR would pull that shit in the first place. Like I said, not possible for NeverTrump to change their stripes. Vote Hillary. Lose the constitution.

  7. Man, I think Mendermans smoking crack. You are dilusional and back to my point, somebody as politically opinionated as NeverTrump, such as you, is voting for Hillary. No way your changing your beliefs.

  8. That is ridiculous.
    Where was this request that a comment be deleted and where is this thank you?
    I am not aware of this incident whatsoever.

    I get requests from people to edit comments when they accidentally publish their email address, things like that.
    I never got a request to delete a comment because they weren’t happy with the content.
    Why wouldn’t they just write a follow up, etc?

  9. I ain’t gonna lie, I think I typed that to prove a point. But honestly that was never my position and I’m still saying, even, though I don’t know the man, BFH would not erase it. Lots of heated shit going on back then. But I still maintain you’re in the tank for Hillary.

  10. “Brad, you are correct that I am not a Trump fan, but first and foremost, I am a #NEVERFUCKINGHILLARY dude”

    Well there it is. So it’s OK for you to turn conservative but not Trump.

  11. I don’t care whether he said it or not, the charge was made that I’m helping people with their content when they feel like they said something they shouldn’t have and I’m a willing slave at their beck and call.

    I do as much as I can for the readers, everyone knows that, and I’m accessible to a fault.
    But I would draw the line at being people’s personal editor.
    I would flatly turn down that request.
    And just because someone thanks me doesn’t mean that they are not just assuming I did something for them.

    I could thank someone for the hand job they gave me last night. Doesn’t mean it happened.

  12. The post I’m talking about took place two weeks before BFH’s Poll as I remember. And BFH has never earased any of my posts even when I wished he would. Just to be clear. And I hope we are ultimately on the same side. But Obama/Hillary are pure evil and out to destroy our country. And like it or not, there’s only one man standing in their way.

  13. Yes, I did say I would vote for Bernie. I said that because he would be a feckless hump sitting behind the Resolute desk with no support….like a dead fern searching for water…One of the regulars (a chick) said they copied the comment to remind me of it later.

  14. Honestly dude, if you roll back one to two weeks before BFH’s poll question you will still find it there. Come on man, you’re talking to the ass hole of IOTW. I don’t garner many favors. LOL

  15. The post was not deleted. Like I said, look back a couple weeks farther than you are looking. So your saying you think BFH would delete or alter posts to make a position look more favorable? Not buying it. He’s never done that before. If he thinks your wrong he pretty much comes out and calls you on it. If you think you’re right retaliate. No, didn’t happen. If you think so ask him.

  16. Menderman, I got a tough day ahead of me tomorrow. I already explained that post and I’m out of Snickers Bars. Vote Trump, don’t be stupid. How’s that for a campaign slogan.

  17. ( NSFW) You’ve been warned!! I’m voting for Trump.. Why you ask ?!? Because I’m tired of being fucked over by the Democrats, I bust my ass working for a living and I’m sick and tired of paying for all those assholes on government assistance. I applaud Trump for shooting his mouth off. I’m glad he isn’t politically correct and actually has the balls to say things that the rest of us are too chicken shit to say. The last few years have been horrible for me. I’m angry, pissed off and can’t seem get ahead in life. Obamacare has fucked me over the most, I have health insurance through my work that’s totally fucking useless, it’s a complete waste of my hard earned dollar. So, it’s personal for me. I also believe Trump can make a difference, unlike Hillary who has her head up her ass. I try and read the comments on here to get a feel of reality and to keep my thoughts in check.. It really pisses me off to see certain morons that waffle around and are unable to pull their head out of their ass and wake the fuck up. In case you don’t get it.. your lively hood, wealth, retirement, and other perks are at risk here. Perhaps you’d feel different if you were in my shoes just scraping by with 2 jobs and any other moonlighting gigs I come across. because neither employer wants to give me full time benefits thanks to that cock-sucker Obama. There, I vented and feel better now..

  18. If there was ever a bigger circle jerk in the history of the world, it’s reading Menderman’s psychotic neediness to count coup on Bad_Brad over fussy assholery related almost exclusively to Ted Cruz! Menderman! Are you Cruz’s Auntie or sister?! What the hell is it about Ted Cruz that makes you so obsessed with him? It was the poster, wasn’t it? Because the fact is Cruz was a big, fat zero. He couldn’t win a pie eating contest without shoving half the pie down his pants. So stop, already. No one cares about Ted Cruz anymore.

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