Stunningly Depressing and Accurate – IOTW Report

Stunningly Depressing and Accurate

Beautiful animation.

ht/ fdr in hell

41 Comments on Stunningly Depressing and Accurate

  1. It seems to me that smart phones and social media have greatly magnified human faults like narcissism, being self centered, lack of empathy for the suffering of others, insatiable need for attention, etc. into a far more widespread problem than they have ever been throughout human history. Technology has effectively replaced genuine human consciousness and compassion with an unquenchable thirst for instant gratification and perpetual “entertainment”.

    In short order, a whole generation (and more on the way) has become a soulless mass of “humanity” that more and more lacks the very basis of actually being what used to be defined as being being a sentient and caring human being. People have traded their souls for the shallow, unsatisfying pursuit of fleetingly occupying their minds with meaningless garbage that is constantly supplied by today’s technology.

    This drives the short attention spans, absence of coherent thought processes and severe lack of self awareness that characterizes so many “millennials” today, especially those on the political left. They’ve unwittingly allowed themselves to become the useful idiots that Stalin could only dream of.

  2. I used to work in a building where we would be able to walk around the perimeter through the hallways. 300 people walking and talking during break.

    Now, only a handful walk. The rest are leaning against the walls gazing at their cell phones, oblivious to all but their own little world.


  3. Anybody know what’s on those little boxes anyway?

    I do not facebook, twitter, or the rest. Other than IOTW I use my internet connection (I swear) for email and research(a little trolling). Other wise I think these things people are bringing into their homes scare the heck out of me.

  4. Great animation lifted from a great era (20s, 30s) of animation!
    That kid is from “Generation Z” (possibly our last ally).

    TO All Too Much
    The music if from the French film “Amelie,” “La Valse d”Amelie.”

  5. Yup. Last scene: Lemmings.

    And I get grief from a couple of family members for not being on fakebook. I tell them they have my number and can contact me at any time anywhere and I’ll respond. What’s the problem? You can have my attention instantly – but you won’t spend a second to reach out personally? I’m the bad guy here?

    I particularly don’t care for the impersonal, soulless internet site event-organizers they sign up for and expect me to jump through hoops to play along. I just don’t do it.

    All they have to do is text me. Done. WTF is so hard about that? I have over 1,000 contacts in my phone, if I had to sign up for a site and check in on it for them, I wouldn’t be able to get anything done. The convenience of those family members turns into more labor for me. Something a text could take care of in a moment of effort on their part.

  6. I noticed the obsession started with text a few years ago. It seemed compulsive so I started calling it texturbation. I saw/see people just stop their cars in the middle of the road dickin with their phone, it’s worse now and will lead to our destruction. Social media my ass.

  7. All human interaction filtered through an electronic medium. No wonder hostility and lack of empathy has blossomed in the last several years. And the reason I don’t use those stupid things even as alluring as they are.

  8. PBS got the ball rolling with Telly Tubbies. Before these children could walk/talk they learned about a strange critter whose tummy was a CRT and whose language was a series of verbal emoticons.

  9. I watched until the bully white male stereotype with the confederate flag on his shirt. I slammed the window shut at that point. Not interested in racist left-wing propaganda.

  10. I noticed that too Tim, along with the fact that none of the characters were people of color (except for the black cats?). Is the creator of this racist or making a statement about stupid white people?

    Other than that it was good, I guess.

  11. confederacy said no to federal intervention in to their lives and 300,000+ southerners died to keep
    yankees from burning, looting, and raping our homes and country. We were citizens then and now we are subjects, unless you are unreconstructed..So the reason so many hate that flag it reminds them that one time a people had the backbone to say enough is enough to america’s first terrorist.

  12. At a busy coffee shop drive through this morning, I honked at the lady in front of me. The line advanced and she just sat there flipping through her phone, cars behind me were still in the street.

    She flipped out, started screaming something that I couldn’t quite hear. Then she slow rolled the whole line, even stopped just past the window to write another text, so that I couldn’t pull up to it.

    That’s the real problem with phones, self absorption and a sense of entitlement when someone is disturbed while using their device.

  13. I do not own a smart phone.
    So, I can definitely say I have not been absorbed.

    By the way, texting is reverse technology.
    Good people didn’t invent audio transmission so that I could stand around hunched over like a jackass typing with my thumbs.

  14. When I’m on my smartphone, I’m usually doing research and informing myself. This notion that I’m mindlessly looking at a screen with little content is incorrect. Often times, I’m reading this blog and still fully aware of my surroundings.

  15. “No wonder hostility and lack of empathy has blossomed in the last several years.” — organgrinder on electronic medium

    True. Add to that the eight years of Obama and his total lack of empathy, sympathy, kindness, grace, understanding, etc. That encouraged the coarseness, incivility, and lack of human-ness common today.

  16. living your life through a screen with an electronic binky is a nationwide epidemic
    I see parents all the time letting their kids know that whatever is on their phone is more important than them
    I’ve started honking loud and long at the dummy who cant put their phone down to see that the light has turned green letting everyone know who’s holding us all up and caused 10+ cars to have to sit through another light cycle

  17. The use of electronic equipment has become ridiculous. And it’s not just millenials that are infected with this disease. I have 2 friends that I’ve asked to call me, and I haven’t heard from them in 6 months. Fuck ’em. Oh, but they’re on Facebook all the time.
    I hate this.
    Oh, and Fur, the artwork in that video is stupendous.
    However, the artist could have made his point better without throwing in the stereotypical confederate flag idiot guy.
    Too bad he couldn’t leave his own prejudice aside to make a valid statement about our society.

  18. TeaPartyHobbit you nailed it with calling it an electronic binky. I have a flip phone which is all I need to answer my calls when I’m out and about. I quit fakebook nearly 3 years ago when I was so pissed that I was about to vent my spleen on everybody and everything after the Supreme court legalized gay marriage but I didn’t and have been back to fakebook since then. Why the hell should everyone know everything that I’m doing or thinking? Whatever happened to common sense, common decency and especially privacy? I’m glad I’m old school and glad I was born way before this absurd, asinine technology became so prevalent. And yes I’m still very good at writing in cursive, I couldn’t text or want to if my life depended upon it.

  19. Why am I reminded of reading Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World and That Hideous Strength all at the same time. These videos also remind me of an old video clip from The Great American Dream Machine from the early 70’s on PBS called Eggs. Look it up it on YouTube, it makes a lot of the same points but from the perspectives of the hippie infested early 70’s. It’s worth a watch.

  20. Czar, or my personal favorite Steamboat Bill Jr. with Buster Keaton. It’s one of the most hilarious and surrealistic old black and white silent movie comedies ever. And who can forget the house falling down around Buster Keaton with him standing in the window well after the house had fallen down all around him.

  21. Really struck a chord with me. I’ve gotten up and walked out of dinner before. When asked where I was going I said ‘have fun with your phone’.

    I have better conversations with dogs these days.

  22. Fur: Two main uses of texts, IMO – mindless chat and business.

    If you’re thinking of the way teenagers use it to chat with each other – then yeah. That’s lame. Eye-roll worthy even.

    Advantage I found in texting over calling in the last two years regarding business:

    Sometimes I get deluged with clients trying to reach me. I can not answer everyone’s phone calls at once. If we only need to communicate a simple thing, it can be sent and read when the recipient has the time to look at it. I can send “service is due” messages MUCH quicker and it’s more convenient for the client. There’s no disappointment or time wasted on either end if the recipient can’t answer a call at that moment and no code or time needed to get into voicemail, listen to it, then write down the info when a text has it all right there at a glance – easily kept as an accessible record of your interchange. When you make business agreements over it, you have an instant record of it. There is no mistake about what price you quoted or time they wanted, that’s for sure. In this usage, it is way better than trying to hold a phone, talk, write, and drive at the same time. It sits waiting for when it’s best and safest to be accessed with the least time spent.

    I have many foreign-born clients with heavy accents that I could never have guessed how they spelled their names. When they first texted it to me, I knew for sure I had it and the address right. Much better than the previous twenty years of ‘Say that again?’. It gets embarrassing when it’s impossible to understand a heavy Hebrew accent over the phone.

    When you start taking care of hundreds of clients, you start seeing a clear advantage over leaving voice messages or demanding their time to drop what they’re doing and talk to you. Flip side – I can’t answer a call when I’m talking to or servicing a client. Only so much you can do in one moment. The busier I got – the less I was able to talk at any particular time.

    When I mentioned my family, it was in the vein that they want to notify me of an event. A short text is just fine then. No need for some complicated effort to be made. ” This Saturday – B-day party at my house. Starts at 3pm. Bring your own drinks. Your presence is the only present wanted.”

    A very efficient, easily accessed record one can search for at a later date if confirmation of info is needed.

    It may be reverse technology – but there are times it’s superior to audio. Of this I have no doubt.

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