Stupid Left-Wing Meme – IOTW Report

Stupid Left-Wing Meme


The image on the left is not the Church Killer’s arrest. He’s already in custody being transported.

Garner announced to the cops that their continuing arrests of him would “end today.” He was right. His resistance led to his death.

I would like to see a video where someone being arrested offered zero resistance and was subsequently beaten and choked.

This is just race-baiting bullsh!t.

Keep it up, lefties.

15 Comments on Stupid Left-Wing Meme

  1. Even if you could be stupid enough not to notice that the guy on the right is 5 times the size of the guy on the left I’d also like to point out that it was a city of progressive, left-wing fascists who decreed: “BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE SCOFFLAW SELLING “LOOSEY” CIGARETTES!” There wasn’t a conservative within 50 miles of that decision.

  2. Does the left never, ever tire of the race baiting? I’m so, so sick of it. They are like toddlers who need constant correction and redirection, stuck eternally in the “terrible twos.”

  3. Tell me, just TELL ME, that the actions of the hollow eyed, bowl-haircutted, zoned out dweeb aren’t EXACTLY what the race baiters are always baiting race for in the first place!

    They need need need them some damn whiteys to give the world video proof of what they ALWAYS accuse us of in the first place.

    Trust me, they are rubbing their hands with glee over this, the fucking ghouls.

    And that they can make the point that he wasn’t roughed up or killed in captivity, providing yet another straw man to incite the black masses? Oh, that’s orgasm material for these ghouls.

  4. Did anyone see the story about the cop who ran his old lady off the road then shot his service pistol into her windshield?

    Supposedly he then held the gun to his head when all his buddies in the force showed up. But he wasn’t done yet, his buddies just watched as he unloaded into his wife’s car again, she later died at the hospital. Then all his buddies gave him a small black box and he busted up crying. Then all the cops hugged and then calmly arrested the shooter.

  5. I don’t know the details of Roof’s capture other than it was about two hundred miles from the scene. Damn good police, if you ask me.

    But then SC didn’t have a Gov. Cuomo
    to take charge, like NY.

  6. I posted this observation earlier over on Twitchy – but just imagine the conspiracy theories that would be all over the place today if the police had shot him down like the dog he is.

    They’d be rushing to claim the cops killed him in order to cover up some cockamamie story like the NRA put him up to shooting up the Church or the Koch Brothers for some illogical reason or other, so the police had to kill the only witness to the real reason the Church was targeted.

    Books would be written, conference would be held the History Channel would do a show on it and CNN would have a special.

    The wiliness of some to hustle the public for a buck and the public to be hustled in order to gain confirmation bias knows no bounds.

  7. There’s a rebuttal post but I can’t insert it. Shows Lee Boyd Malvo in cuffs and bulletproof vest as well.Credit line says @millennialpresident. Beautiful.

  8. The kid recognized he was over powered. Poor dumb black bastard was too stupid to do the right thing. Besides, dumb black bastard knew the Media, Sharpton, Jackson, O’commie, Law Firms, and all the thugs in the area had his back. Big mistake.

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