Super-Lib Cenk Uygur Is Super Sorry He Called Women Genetically ‘Flawed,’ Blames Conservatism – IOTW Report

Super-Lib Cenk Uygur Is Super Sorry He Called Women Genetically ‘Flawed,’ Blames Conservatism

DAILY CALLER: “Young Turks” founder Cenk Uygur — the fat media dude who got himself thrown off an American Airlines flight for acting like a loudmouth prima donna in an airport — is now begging for forgiveness for blog posts he penned in his virgin blogger days in which he made sexually disparaging remarks about women.

First, the thought of him in bed naked makes me physically ill.

Second, see the first.

Thanks to The Wrap’s Jon Levine, who unearthed these long-lost posts, we know a little more about Cenk’s brain capacity at perhaps a far less mature time in his life — at the height of his youth at 30. (Keep in mind, the airport incident happened in the summer of 2016.) In those now-deleted posts, Cenk wrote that women are “genetically flawed” because they don’t want to put out more often.

Uygur expressed remorse for what he wrote about the female species, telling The Wrap it was “ugly” and he no longer stands by any of it. He told the pub it was “insensitive” and “ignorant.” He claims he wrote it when he was “a different guy.”

And then he takes a sharp turn into asinine territory — he blames his previous conservative worldview for his piggish remarks. Clearly the beautiful person he is now would never say such disgusting stuff. [It gets worse]

18 Comments on Super-Lib Cenk Uygur Is Super Sorry He Called Women Genetically ‘Flawed,’ Blames Conservatism

  1. I’m just the opposite. I respect women. I have always said that women are equal to men in the workplace and deserve equal or even higher pay. Their only fault is that instead of using logic and reason they base all their decision on emotion. And they are always riding that cotton pony.

  2. Dumb hunk of meat.
    Women were made perfect by
    GOD all mighty!
    Some guy told him that socialism
    lead to communism.{Vlad Lenin’s words}
    and he grinned and smirked like a 10 year
    old and said ‘no it doesn’t’.
    Disgusting dumb turd.

  3. Isn’t it simply Nature? Survival of the fittest,in physical being and mental? Women have pickers. When you are not picked for the act that allows procreation, well, perhaps the flaw isn’t with the women and their pickers.

  4. How the fuck do you pronounce his name, Cenk Uygur?
    Stink Wigger?
    Chink Wigger?
    Stink You’re Gay?

    Wait, he’s Turkish? That tells me his name is pronounced Filthy Mohammedan Savage

  5. Dumb phuk. He comes from a musloid country where women who put out are executed for putting out. If he wants easy women, he should go to Hollywood. Listening to those women pontificate on politics it’s obvious most of them have had their brains phukt out. Target rich environment for guys like Cenk Uygur.

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