Susan Sarandon At SAG Awards – IOTW Report

Susan Sarandon At SAG Awards

Does she not know that SAG stand for Screen Actor’s Guild? The classy 69 year-old was apparently in a competition to see who could display the biggest sag.

She won. Tits Hands down.

(Ladies, correct me if I’m wrong, but does she not look like an idiot sitting there, at any age? This looks like a wardrobe malfunction, no?)


At least Sue Ellen Mischke, on Seinfeld, was wearing a modest bra.


The lifetime achievement award for SAG, however, goes to this actress —>

stella stevesn (9)

Stella Stevens holds the record for the furthest distance from the tip of the nose to the censor box for several decades now.

41 Comments on Susan Sarandon At SAG Awards

  1. Better to go the Helen Mirren route than this.

    Tim Robbins and Susan are divorced. Antonio Banderas also divorced Melanie Griffith who is also doing her worst to recapture her youth.

  2. Everywhere today, grocers, doctors, business offices, department stores, there’s cleavage on display. Most make me think of plumbers crack.

    Sarandon looks like a letter drop.

  3. I once carried off the Sue Ellen Mischke look one hot summer day – 3 decades ago. I was 37 at the time.

    I was wearing an old blouse and shorts (those days before tank tops) and went exercise walking with my 3 year old. He got tired so I hoisted him up on my shoulders. The temperature was such that I didn’t even notice any breeze down the front of my torso. His little feet were accidentally pulling the buttonholes loose from the buttons.

    Our subdivision does not have sidewalks nor any traffic so everyone walks in the street. The houses are an acre frontage apart.

    The mailman was making his rounds in the neighborhood and as he was driving between houses, he kept staring at me and I thought he was going to run me over.

    I waved and he waved back grinning from ear to ear. Kind of creepy I thought. Eventually I put my 3 yr old down to walk himself and that’s when I realized I was bra flashing – back in the day when NO ONE bra flashed. I came home and threw away the blouse.

  4. It isn’t just the boobs, either. That red hair just shrieks, “BAD DYE JOB!” and the hot-pink lipstick ain’t working, either.

    I suggest a more auburn dye and brick-red lipcolor.

  5. Clearly the woman has a need for attention. I am her age and
    would never ever dress like that anywhere. Those days are long gone, however one can still ” sell it ” with eloquence and class.
    Sadly, she has neither.

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