Swamp Drainer In Chief Pulls the Plug on the Obama Lawyer Pond – IOTW Report

Swamp Drainer In Chief Pulls the Plug on the Obama Lawyer Pond

Trump Justice Department asks remaining 46 US attorneys hired by Obama to resign.

Good move. They are the enemy within. Get rid of them.

21 Comments on Swamp Drainer In Chief Pulls the Plug on the Obama Lawyer Pond

  1. And as suggested by another IOTWer, I’m sending a postcard dated March 15th, wishing you well Mr.President. Hope you get it by Saint
    Patrick’s Day. Slainte.

  2. What a shame. And right into a lazy Friday afternoon memory hole, when all the journos are halfway to the Hamptons or wherever they go for the weekend. But they’ll rally after cartoons on Saturday to denounce it as the “Great Friday Night Kristallnacht Massacre”. To no effect, of course. But it should be fun to watch.

    I wonder…if you clutch pearls tightly enough, do they become diamonds?

  3. Ha! That’s perfect.
    If this shit gets any better….I’ll have to converse with a liberal just to keep from getting too damn high on integrity, honesty and humbleness.

  4. OK, I don’t think President Trump reads EVERY comment of mine on IOTWReport, BUT…

    Didn’t I suggest this just a few hours ago?

    I’m totally kidding about that, but just imagine if he actually was reading our comments, looking for great ideas.

    Making America Great Again!

    Pedal to the metal, Mr. President! We have your back.

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