Swedish bishop wants to remove crosses from church to make Muslims feel better – IOTW Report

Swedish bishop wants to remove crosses from church to make Muslims feel better

JudicialWatch: How wonderful and generous and ecumenical and multicultural this is. Watch for mosques everywhere to remove their mihrabs and install crosses so that Christians will feel comfortable praying there.

swedeish bishop dhimmi

This is what a society and culture in the midst of suicide looks like.

“Bishop wants to remove Christian symbols in the Seamen’s Church,” translated from “Biskopen vill ta bort kristna symboler,” SVT.se, September 29, 2015:

Bishop Eva Brunne has proposed to remove the Christian symbols of the Seamen’s Church in Freeport to make it more inviting for visiting sailors from other religions.

The bishop wants to temporarily make the Seamen’s Church available to all, for example by marking the direction of Mecca and removing Christian symbols, as is already done in common prayer rooms at airports and in some hospital chapel.



29 Comments on Swedish bishop wants to remove crosses from church to make Muslims feel better

  1. These people are nearly ready right now to worship the beast.

    “He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 also describes the current condition of parts of the Church.

  2. It is inconceivable that these people are the descendants of those feared tribes that ended the Western Roman Empire. It shows what happens when you abandon family & tradition while forgetting your own cultural history.

    It answers why we must continually re-invent the plow & the wheel.

  3. I can’t even read the article. I just can’t. The snippet provided is more than enough. What a deluded doofus this woman is. Meanwhile, back in the good ol’ USA, my kids’ Catholic school has introduced to the notion that “Islam is almost just like Christianity! Both religions worship the same god (lie!) and Islam holds Jesus up as a revered prophet!” The teachers, whether they know it or not, are helping to destroy the church. What a buncha retards.

  4. How is it that the only a CHRISTIAN symbol that offends the rest of the world’s religions? If I see a mosque, a Buddha , or other icon, I am not offended, I respect their right to believe whatever they choose. So respect my right to display a CROSS and all the world would be better off.

  5. The worst progtards are the bitter ugly women who always have that self-satisfied smug smile on their faces after they’ve done something to further the goals of anti-white genocide. Their entire lives are driven by their hatred of the society that marginalized them for being homely & completely unlikable.

  6. I look at this and think we need to take it a step further.

    While I can almost understand why a homely, unloved trannie/lesbo wants to throw on a Roman collar and be a :”bishop” and lord it over her minions, I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME understand how any NORMAL Swede, or any other purported Christian of any stripe, would voluntarily show up every Sunday and indulge these weirdos.

    And people wonder why the main-line protestant churches are struggling.

  7. Yes, there is either that look, or the RBF.

    Resting Bitch Face.

    It’s a countenance that has never known joy. And man, are the rest of us gonna pay for that fact if they have their way!

  8. When I see a mosque, I am not offended either. But I am outraged that others refuse to awake from their self-imposed wishful thinking.
    When I see a mosque, I see a terrorist cell, a fifth-column traitor, the enemy within the gates.

    Sorry to be blunt, but the 10% of Muslims who think that it is OK to perform jihad on the infidels ruin it for the other 90% silent, ‘peaceful’ types. Silence means that they approve of their actions.

  9. Do you and other concerned Christians question them about it? The reason so-called Christian leadership get away with it is because they believe their flock is content with their bad teaching. The Bible is very specific about questioning bad teaching and requires public questioning of it. Unlike private rebuking in Matt 18, teachers and pastors of the flock, as you know, are held to a higher Biblical standard but so, too, are hearers of bad teaching responsible to point it out. It is painful and awkward and can bring on the stink eye from those who “really like” the teachers, but it must be done.

  10. Right on, AA.

    I (and a few others) have caused a ruckus in my church about a heretical teaching they have embraced. One of the elders thought I need to be more educated about the ministry. He thinks I just don’t understand what they are doing. I went to the introduction class they had and was more turned off about it.

    A few months ago the church brought in the man who developed the ministry and he explained it in detail. I took notes and wrote an article point by point. My conclusion was that it was heresy and the church should have nothing to do with it. Sent it to the pastor and elders. Have heard noting from them since and have found another Bible believing/teaching church. Am still praying for them.

  11. Claudia — Geoff C. The Saltine and I did something similar a few months ago. It was quite painful for us, since we thought we had finally found our local church home after many years of looking. And we think there are probably many members who have been hoodwinked into substantially bad doctrine but have been there for so long they won’t give up their long-term relationships. We are especially concerned about the (very, very) many campus members who have been taught bad doctrine from the get-go. We have become quite close to many of them. The American church is in great peril.

  12. There is actually a very conservative church in Canada which is using some of these ideas to draw Muslims to Christ and disciple them. They have NO crosses and call their building a HALL not a church. They also offer ESL English classes to immigrants. Some Muslims have become disciples of Christ because of their caring attitude. Hmm, I doubt that this Bishop realizes that this is a successful approach to missionary work among Muslims.

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