Swift Injustice – IOTW Report

Swift Injustice

Recently, Taylor Swift released a countrified cover of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September.” Being privileged (by the left’s standards, anyway) she was immediately set upon for having the nerve to apply her particular sound to what they already considered close to cultural sacredness.

Driving the levels of vitriol to 11 has been Swift’s steadfast determination not to publicly pick a side in the culture wars. The “if you’re not with us, then you’re against us” attitude taken by leftist means they aren’t as shy and intend to wage social justice warfare against the favorite of many young women.  More

15 Comments on Swift Injustice

  1. How dare she ask for, and get permission, to do this.
    How dare Mr. Bailey provide his blessing, he must be an U.T. (I can’t actually type out that term since I’m not the correct ethnic group to be able to properly use that epithet).

  2. Imagine if the same standard had applied to blacks covering Bob Dylan? There’d be no Jimmy Hendricks tearing into “All Along the Watchtower” for starters.

  3. yeah … I was pretty pizzed about the ‘cultural appropriation’ myself when Earth, Wind & Fire did that negro spiritual version of ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’

    … & don’t even start w/ the Be’ouncy’s ‘cultural appropriation’ of white privilege hair! … you too Orca!

  4. Umm. Anybody recall all the black and brown people signing the Declaration of Independence, fighting the Revolutionary war and forming the Bank of the US?

    Couldn’t have been any white folks or Hamilton on Broadway would have included them.

  5. When I listen to Jazz on the road…I quickly change it

    back to Death Metal when I see another Car approaching….

    at this point in My Life…I can’t have a

    “Cultural Appropriation” charge on My Permanent Record…

  6. A little too breathy for my taste, but I like the original version…
    I would marry her though, if she came a-knockin’.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. The only thing is, as I listen to this breathy rendition it reveals a singing voice that is absent of attractive listening quality. I like the pop stuff but even that is sing-song and without much more than cuteness in the video and lyrics. Taylor Swift probably just wrote the end of her singing career, although with her production and promotion talent, I’m sure she will carry on.


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