Au revoir, Trudeau!
CTH In Canada one of the modern WEF globalists is now indicating his exit. Justin Trudeau is expected to resign. More
CTH In Canada one of the modern WEF globalists is now indicating his exit. Justin Trudeau is expected to resign. More
national observer The federal government unveiled what it described as a historic first on Sunday as it announced a five−year, $100 million plan to support LGBTQ, two−spirit and intersex communities across the country. [Read More]
CTH You will switch to bugs, and you will like it. After using government incentives and subsidies to build a new facility in London, Ontario, to manufacturer 9,000 metric tons of [Read More]
Toronto Sun Justin Trudeau is channeling Jim Carrey’s Dumb and Dumber hairdo as he heads into a hot boy summer. The 50-year-old Canadian Prime Minister was spotted out in Quebec sporting closely-cropped locks [Read More]
CTH Everyone knows Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is an empty vessel. He carries himself as a generally unintelligent fellow with a sub-par IQ and a childish demeanor that is [Read More]
Red State But there was something a little funny about those “arrests.” Many of the people arrested claimed that they were driven several blocks or a couple of miles away [Read More]
Toronto Sun Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled [Read More]
Realizing that a bilateral trade deal between the US and Mexico was nearing implementation, Canada’s NAFTA negotiating foot dragger, Justin Trudeau, placed a last minute emergency call to Mexican President-elect Andres [Read More]
Canada is poised to replace the iconic maple leaf with the pot leaf by the end of the summer. According to High Times, with Justin Trudeau’s liberal party controlling the [Read More]
He may be a wimp and a liar, but Justin Trudeau sure looks pretty on the alternative cover No. 5 of Marvel’s “Civil War II: Choosing Sides,” due out at the end of [Read More]
Raving Canuck: At the end of last January the CBC did a TV special called “Face to Face with the Prime Minister” in which the CBC did a reality-show-like program [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.