Tara Reade: Hillary Clinton ‘Enabling a Sexual Predator’ by endorsing Biden – IOTW Report

Tara Reade: Hillary Clinton ‘Enabling a Sexual Predator’ by endorsing Biden

Geller Report:

I’m surprised sleepy Joe didn’t ask Hillary to handle Tara Reade.
She wld have set up her “‘War Room,” sicced private detectives on her like she did with Bill’s rape victims, intimidate, harass, and make it clear to her “keep your mouth shut, or else.” like she did to @atensnuthttps://twitter.com/MonaSalama_/status/1255275183943843843 …

That’s nothing new for Hillary Clinton. However, it is not only Hillary Clinton who is guilty of grotesque hypocrisy. It is also the Democrat Party. It’s the main stream media as well. Tara Reade should be given an opportunity to tell her story. Fox News should give Reade that platform, since there is zero chance (at this point) that the other MSM outlets will. MORE

8 Comments on Tara Reade: Hillary Clinton ‘Enabling a Sexual Predator’ by endorsing Biden

  1. I say let this thing slide. Biden will lose to Trump hands down. But if the Dems see this as a way to get rid of him and put forward a more formidable candidate that ignites the base, it will be tougher for the president. Who knows where the economy will be in Nov? Also, watch this Reade story now take off b/c of the information coming out on how the FBI did Gen Flynn dirty. The MSM will bury the FBI story and begin covering this nonsense. They will always protect the Obama administration above all else.

  2. Doctor Jill needs to put some ice on this cut lip before it starts to finally, fatally gain the attention of the MSDM and Dementiacrats who don’t want to lose the next election. Tara Reade doesn’t seem to be going away, and the more the Obiden Bama team disparage her story the more likely that someone who knows what really happened will come forward out of the mist of time. Based on Tara Reade’s account of how Obiden Bama made his crude power play for her, it sounds like he was following a pattern of previous behavior, and there are probably a half dozen women out there who experienced the same style of sexual assault. These other women are undoubtedly either ashamed or afraid to come forward given how Tara Reade has been treated, but they must have talked to others about their experience. Maybe they are fearful of being blamed for causing another loss to President Trump. If they do come forward, Dementia Joe is going to be dumped as the nominee by his political party.

  3. We know that at some point when Biden gets out on the campaign trail (if his handlers ever let him do that), he’s going to have a senior moment and fondle some woman either on live television or in front of hundreds of cameras. It will be interesting to see how the media will cover that up.

    Trump joked about grabbing women by the pussy. Biden will show America how it’s done.

  4. Agree with all of the above, but I’d just like to point out that photo of the Hilldog in aquamarine.

    Such soulless eyes!
    She’s lived in that miserable evil for decades…and it shows.


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