Teacher Says Student Can’t Pick Trump For a Hero – IOTW Report

Teacher Says Student Can’t Pick Trump For a Hero


Parents of an 11-year old student claim that a New York middle school informed their daughter that she was not allowed to have President Donald Trump as her “hero” for a class assignment.

Arthur Moscato, the girl’s father, says he can’t believe someone would tell his sixth-grade daughter that the current U.S. President can’t be her hero.

The student, Bella Moscato, told News12 Long Island, “She said that I wasn’t allowed to do Donald Trump because he spreads negativity and says bad stuff about women.”

“The thing I didn’t get, is she was okay with someone doing Barack Obama, but not okay with doing Donald Trump?”


18 Comments on Teacher Says Student Can’t Pick Trump For a Hero

  1. I am fed up with teachers pushing crap like this and receiving no realistic punishment.

    However, our entire school system is riddled with leftists, so until parents start to raise holy hell over stuff like this it will just continue.

    Go to your school board meetings and confront those in charge. Vote them out if you can. Do your homework on who is elected to these boards. It only continues if citizens are not fully engaged, and no excuses about being too busy. Your children are more important than your “busyness”.

  2. Get that child out of this school!

    Superintendant basically calls the child/her parents a liar and then writes: “To the best of our knowledge, by choice the student is still conducting their project of President Trump.”



  3. Should have switched it to Limbaugh, no? Hannity, No? Tucker, no?
    …Just to prove the point.
    Heck, Reagan won 49/50 states in 1984, is he acceptable?
    And remember, Condoleezza Rice is not acceptable at the state University in NJ, Rutgers.

  4. The parents should put on MAGA hats and visit the school and have a loud talk with the teacher. Then vist school board meetings and find out why the teacher is still working in the school system suppressing free thought and opinion.


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