Ted Cruz Goes After NPR’s “Relentless Bias” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Goes After NPR’s “Relentless Bias”


Sean Moran at Breitbart reports that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is demanding the taxpayer-funded radio network turn over documents about their public and private funding over concerns that leftists are “buying” news coverage on the narratives they desire to push. 

In a letter to NPR CEO Katherine Maher — who skipped out on a House hearing in May on NPR’s relentless bias — Cruz noted that legislatively, public broadcasting is supposed to provide “objectivity and balance in all programs or series of programs of a controversial nature,” language that NPR and PBS have never observed.

Cruz made the idealistic point: “If the American taxpayer is going to finance a public broadcaster, then they deserve nothing less than fair and unbiased reporting.” More

26 Comments on Ted Cruz Goes After NPR’s “Relentless Bias”

  1. Pretty sure that there are already plenty of leftist media outlets that seem to be able to finance themselves. Cut the taxpayer funding for NPR already, and if they make it, great. If not, that’s fine, too.

  2. We’ve known for a while that the story of the frog staying in the gradually heating water until it dies while if you toss a frog into hot water it’ll hop right out is a myth. The gradually warming frog will hop out, too.

    People aren’t the same. The gradual but inexorable increase in govt heat appears to be tolerated well at least by a large majority of Americans. I wish I knew what the point of no return from societal death is and how we can tell how far away we are. Are we already past it?

  3. I turned that crap on my car radio
    by accident twice.
    1= the soft talkers were telling me the Muz
    was mostly peaceful.
    2= the soft talkers were telling me about
    “the myth of the missing black dads”.

  4. Very Major half-breed Harris is not an African-American.

    So, what is she?

    Maybe an American Indian can explain it in a movie entitled, “The Missing” with Tommy Lee Jones (“as Samuel Jones”). The Indian’s name was “Chidin”, played by actor, Eric Scheig who assessed character Samuel Jones as having two fighting dogs inside of him.

    America is overly tired of you people. LEAVE! If you don’t like it here. MOVE!!

    Else we shall, in future Congress, banish you, and any more American haters who behave like you! Go find some more irrelevant criminal, Democrat Communists elsewhere!

  5. Uncle Al – consider a strictly monetary analysis as a way to predict our point of no return, at least nationally/financially. (Or at least some kind of ‘tipping point.’)

    1. 2024 will see our debt service reach $1.14 Trillion/year which is said to be 76% of income taxes collected.

    2. Medicare is about on track to consume the balance of those receipts by sometime in 2025/2026.

    3. Deficit spending won’t be stoppable because it would lead to contract abrogation at some point for most Federal entitlement programs, each with a different projected date. Cascading entitlement failure could be the trigger to total government default as it can’t pay its ‘obligations,’ in other words, bills.

    4. If we default, all bets are off and no predictions about the fate of our system are even possible.

    So, I would say two years to cascade failure. There is still time to stop it, President Trump!

    (I realize you know all this stuff but I just wanted to write it down!)

  6. “I turned that crap on my car radio
    by accident twice.:

    Do you know who was just as bad in 2015? Mark Levin. Makes you wonder if he really ever changed his mind or just enjoys the cash flow.

  7. Never place trust in anyone who screams and yells like Hitler, and whines and shrieks like Levin. I mean, if he believes that much, why, after all of these years, has he NOT run for Senate or Congress?

    I listen but seldom believe other than listening to his Two Dogs Fighting).

  8. Tip of the Hat to:
    General Malaise Sunday, 28 July 2024, 21:07 at 9:07 pm

    Started buying Gold when it was $330.00 an ounce. That was back in the early 90s. I played all over the US before then and was invited by many Americans over for dinner with their families.

    Almost all of these beautiful Americans had immediate relatives, who lived through the Great Depression. I learned very early to eat EVERYTHING off my plate. The rest of the story is this:

    BUY GOLD! Now and Forevermore, whenever you are able.

  9. Ted has it all wrong…leftists don’t have to pay to get favorable news coverage; NPR/PBS is happy to provide it for “free”, because the whole operation is populated with leftists from top to bottom. All fellow travelers. Ted could try and stop taxpayer funding, but others have tried and failed. A solid block of democrats and RINOs love NOR/PBS.

  10. Cruz just likes to hear himself talk. NPR/PBS could have been defunded by the government 50 years ago. The Uniparty will never stop the grift. Cruz knows it.

  11. Well, congress controls the purse they could cut them off at any time. Why haven’t Republican ran congresses ever done it?

    The same as in all of these red states, mine included that Republicans control everything, yet won’t get rid of machines counting votes and make it too easy to file mail in ballots and too easy to register to vote and although we have photo ID, rarely do the old ladies at the polling booth ask for them, because there’s a loophole where you can just show your registration card. All you have to do to get a new card is get online and put in your address and birthday and they will send you a new one.

  12. Just as we should begin calling all “public schools” “government schools”, we should call these media outlets “government television” and “government radio”.
    But that’s only if we continue to fund them, and I hope and pray that they are all completely defunded.

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