Ted Cruz Loves The Princess Bride – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Loves The Princess Bride

Ted Cruz can recite every line of the movie The Princess Bride. Here he is doing some-

But one of the stars of the movie, Mandy Patinkin, suffering from Cruz Derangement Syndrome, hates Cruz and would like to tell him something-

“This man is not putting forth ideas that are at the heart of what that movie is all about. I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred, to consider creating hope, optimism and love. Open your arms to these people, these refugees trying to get into our country, and open your hearts.”

Ladies and Gentleman, Mandy Chamberlain… err, Neville Patinkin.

My name is Inigo Montoya.

28 Comments on Ted Cruz Loves The Princess Bride

  1. “They photoshopped his face right over my face!” he said. “I said, ‘How can I stop this?'”

    Spoken by a man with apparently only first world problems. Tell you what, Mandy; you deal with a mess of third worlders, illiterate in their own language who are unclear on the concept of hygiene, the law, but completely on board with being subsidized. Then lets get to the RoPers. I’ll wait.

  2. Andre the Giant if he was still alive would crush him like a bug with his huge hands. The Princess Bride is a classic, my kids also can recite nearly every word in it, it’s one of their favorite movies. And when’s the meathead AKA Rob Reiner gonna chip in with his nickels worth of criticism about Cruz?

  3. cruz has a photographic memory except it’s with whatever he hears. He can remember everything 100% perfectly that he hears and recite it back verbatim.

    I’m sure that’s been helpful in his career.

  4. Dear Mandy: If you’re talking ideas, we attest that throughout history, retrogressive ideas have been thought up and employed only to have failed miserably. Conservative ideas, most of them inspired by the Almighty Living God have worked in every instance they’ve been employed.

    I wouldn’t expected you to know this little fact becasue you’re so insulated from reality in your Hollywood bubble. Only you can choose to venture out of it and when you do I strongly suggest you visit the ME in any one of Mohamed’s Islamic Utopias or if that frightens you make a stay at Detroit, MI.

    It’s far easier to sit from behind a desk or microphone spouting off criticism at someone than to actually personally engage them. Your god, Obama, the .5 nagger, employs this strategy all day and night. He refuses to actually engage anyone from our side pf the perspective becasue he’s a gutless coward as is every last one of his policy advisers. As for you Mandy, you can fuck off or fuck yourself with your favorite porn star dildo.

    Glock 10mm

  5. William Goldman deserves much (if not most) of the credit for Princess Bride. He wrote the book and screenplay. His credits are amazing.

    “Any actor who tells you that they have become the people they play, unless they’re clearly diagnosed as a schizophrenic, is bullshitting you.”
    ― Gary Oldman

  6. How is he going to get any of those things done? The DC politicians run circles around him and do what they want while Ted Cruz argues at a podium, and then they cut him off because they’ve changed the rules without his knowledge. We need someone stronger than that right now.

  7. Our Pastor can recite many of the lines and in different voices. Of course he can also recite large portions of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. His wife just rolls her eyes.

    Just adds to the Cruz charm

  8. Hit your mark, recite your lines, and emote.

    “Shut up and sing.”

    Yeah, you’re allowed to have your own opinions. I just don’t want to hear them. You’re an entertainer. Entertain me. Otherwise, you don’t get paid.

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