Texas: Medina County Justice of the peace and 3 others arrested for voter fraud – IOTW Report

Texas: Medina County Justice of the peace and 3 others arrested for voter fraud

Independent Sentinel: Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez is accused of ballot harvesting at assisted living centers in the 2018 primary election. He’s a justice of the peace who was arrested with three others who face 150 charges of voter fraud.

Medina County Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez was arrested on Feb. 11 and is charged on one count of organized election fraud, one count of “assisting voter voting ballot by mail,” and 17 counts of unlawful possession of a ballot or ballot envelope, KABB reports.

He was arrested with Leonor Rivas Garza, Eva Ann Martinez, and Mary Balderrama. All four were indicted by a Bandera Grand Jury on Feb. 9.

10 Comments on Texas: Medina County Justice of the peace and 3 others arrested for voter fraud

  1. You are going to have to get these people one at a time and make an example of them using current laws and penalties. It will take a lot of time vs the modern cancel culture techniques but it has to be done.

    You have 2 7 4 years to do it. So keep pressure on politicians to do their jobs.

  2. Anonymous MARCH 2, 2021 AT 8:24 AM



    What’s your point? All cheaters to be held accountable or we don’t have free & fair elections.

    When your opponent sees you hanging your own for cheating, they know you aren’t just a partisan hack that only cares if the other side cheats.

    It’s called integrity. Like if you picked a name and stuck with it.

    Again, what’s your point?

  3. “What’s your point?”

    That it wasn’t just Democrats doing the cheating, which furthers my belief that there wasn’t enough illicit voting by them to influence the outcome of the elections. Even if it was a considerable amount, it was being done by both sides, as this illustrates.

  4. You assume a lot with your statement, Anon. The fact Dems are in control of the areas where massive cheating happened is not counterbalanced by a few people elswhere.

    You made an substantiated claim there is equivalency. The magnitude of Dem cheating this past election is fantastically large.

    That said, ALL cheaters/fraudsters need to be jailed, if not hung. No matter how large or small.

    We’ll get somewhere when people like you care more about honesty than parties.

  5. @Anon

    The article illustrates what should happen to election fraudsters. The charges are from the 2018 primary election involving 150 charges of voter fraud.

    There is no equivalency to the 2020 election where millions of Trump votes were stolen, according to conservative sources.


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