AWD: Regular readers of AWD know one of my favorite sayings is “that sh*t ain’t right!” Regarding the over-the-top hatred of Donald Trump by the Republican Establishment wussypants, there is a whole hell of a lot of sh*t that ain’t right.

Even wimpy ‘nice guy’ Mitt Romney has pulled out his gold-plated knives on Trump. In an interview on CNN, Romney said:

“I don’t want to see trickle-down racism,” Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. “I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny.”

I’m sorry, but doesn’t Mitt sound a lot like a Democrat throwing the race card against Trump? Nothing of substance, only political correct bullsh1t. I don’t remember Romney going after Obama a fraction as hard as he has gone after Trump. And he doesn’t even mention Hillary and the mountains of corruption in her wake? Something smells a lot like Mitt.

And Romney isn’t the only Establishment loser after Trump. So the question begs to be asked, why is the GOP so afraid of Trump? And why would the Republican Elite prefer to see Hillary in the White House? There’s only one reason.  MORE

14 Comments on THAT MITT AIN’T RIGHT!

  1. If memory serves, Mitt had a chance to run in the primaries and declined. And now he thinks Hillary is not racist? Or a bigot? Or a misogynist? Democrats are the party of the Klan, and the last thing they want is for blacks to succeed because then they will lose their grip on secure voting base. Has Mitt watched Hillary attack the women who accused her husband of sexual assault? This lady is as ruthless as they come, and she will say anything, and climb over anyone who gets in her way.

    So far as I can tell, Trump has expressed that he wants to curtail Muslim immigration until we can figure things out. Does Mitt really think that, particularly given recent events, that Trump has no reason for this? Trump went after Rose O’Donnell and Megan Kelly, both of whom starting pissing contests with him. Does Mitt believe that Trump has no right to attack people of any gender who attack him? Yes, Trump can be crude and boorish, but I don’t believe he is racist or misogynistic.

    Sorry, Mitt – you were rejected in 2012, and now in 2016 the Republican base is rejecting the GOP heirarchy, which includes you.

  2. The 2012 presidential election should have been the most winnable election for Republicans in modern history. But Mittens just couldn’t deliver the goods.

    Why should anyone listen to this loser now?

  3. The only trickle down hatred I see right now is the blood dripping from the walls in Orlando.

    This is not a nation of hate, but the muslims are hell bent on transforming us into one.

    They can keep preying on soft targets like a room full of gays in a gun free zone, but eventually they will run up against some good ol’ boys who will fight back.

  4. Why does he think anyone cares WTF is on his mind? He had Obama by the short & curlys. He let Obama insult him right to his face with, “The 80s called…” and smiled and scooped out another handful of vaseline.

    Loser is too kind.

  5. When I think of the hard earned money I wasted on Mitt and Ryan, it galls me. Candy Crowley slapped him down with a lie and he just sat there like a little puppy. This would not happen to Trump.
    To Mitt, Ryan, McConnell,Lowry, Goldberg, NR, Kristol, Wills and their ilk, I say fuck y’all. I’m all in for Trump. Make America Safe Again.

  6. Why isn’t Mitt slamming Obama and Hillary for the overt racism they drip every time they open their mouths?

    He’s more aid and comfort to the hate and envy filled totalitarian left than to American citizens.

  7. Mittens … please …


    Give two (concrete) examples of Mr. Trump exhibiting each of these traits, or shut the fuck up and go back to sucking HRC’s ass. You’re a disgrace … to the Party, the Movement, the Country, and to Western Civilization. You give Treason a bad name.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. That ass Mitt should be sat down and told that the only reason he got as many votes as he did was because MANY citizens did not want teh won to win. It wasn’t because he was so freakin’ fantastic.

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