The billionaire elites have thus taken the opportunity to change the face of America permanently with the help of the U.N. – IOTW Report

The billionaire elites have thus taken the opportunity to change the face of America permanently with the help of the U.N.


The Sunday Times wrote ten years ago that a billionaire’s club had met secretly, at the initiative of Bill Gates, to discuss how their philanthropy could be used to implement “ways of tackling a disastrous environmental, social, and industrial threat” of overpopulation.  Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, George Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. were among those in attendance.  (May 24, 2009)

Their desires to curb overpopulation [over 7 billion now] met with Third World resistance as they believed that “contraception and female education weakened traditional values.” The focus shifted to the developed world: euthanasia, the destruction of the traditional family unit, and to abortion mills, passing infanticide laws as a “choice” in as many states as possible, even killing a healthy infant a minute before birth.

The blanketing of global governance deployed against all nations of the planet is easy to grasp when all the variables are fit into their proper place. It is not just about population control and reduction but a well-coordinated and endless attack on history, Constitution, Bill of Rights, liberties, the traditional family, Christianity, biological sex, heterosexuality, and the climate change agenda.

In the European Union (EU), technocrats are already overriding the British government and other defeated government-members within the EU.  As Freenations wrote, the “EU intellectuals are lost in their failed Europe.”

In the United States, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), lobbyists for various wealthy crony capitalists, have taken over our elected government at all levels and have become a strong bureaucratic army staffed by naïve useful idiots who have enabled the deployment of the globalist agenda and thus of their own downfall.  more here

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

9 Comments on The billionaire elites have thus taken the opportunity to change the face of America permanently with the help of the U.N.

  1. So being successful in the business world automatically grants you some additional super wisdom to determine the order of mankind?
    A collection of self absorbed jackasses isn’t who I want directing the course of my life and I don’t recall anyone asking them to.

  2. Malthusians?
    How much discredit do they need?
    Maybe we could sell them on Piltdown Man?
    Guess you don’t have to be particularly smart (in a general sense) to be rich – just clever at your own game.

    In families of four, every man, woman, and child on Earth could live in a house on a quarter acre in Kazakhstan. Do the math. That whole “overpopulation” bullshit is from assholes mired in cities where population densities approach 100,000 peeps/sq mile (Manila). But if we consider that 50% live within 50 miles of the sea, then there are vast expanses available for settlement and development.

    But, of course, rich nihilistic maggots who consider themselves gods, will determine who lives and who dies, to suit their fevered imaginings – facts having nothing to do with anything.

    Funny thing is, they die, too! They bleed and suffer pain just like the rest of us mere mortals! Just because they’re rich and hide behind thick (and high) walls, doesn’t make them immune. They may want to add that to their calculus.

    izlamo delenda est …


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