The Disaster of Believing in 100% Renewable Energy – IOTW Report

The Disaster of Believing in 100% Renewable Energy


CA Political Review: Senate Bill 584, the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program, introduced by state Senator Kevin de Leon, would reformulate the calculations for how much energy California would receive from renewables while eliminating fossil fuels. Senator de Leon wants to amend Section 399.11 of the Public Utilities Code relating to energy that currently states by December 31, 2030, California would have retail sales of renewable energy at 50 percent. Under the senator’s bill, California would have 100 percent of energy only from renewables. Currently, the U.S. receives around 10-13 percent from renewables, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and sees that figure only reaching 21-26 percent by 2050.

With California it’s more severe than in other parts of the country for how much renewable energy is required for consumers and business, because the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program already states:

“The Public Utilities Commission to establish a renewables portfolio standard requiring all retail sellers, as defined, so that the total kilowatt hours of those products sold to their retail end-use customers achieves benchmarks of 25 percent, 33 percent, 45 percent, and 50 percent.”

California already has some of the highest electricity rates in the country, and passing this bill would only exacerbate the problem while sending more companies and jobs to other states or overseas. There is a direct correlation between higher business costs (electricity being a large cost) and business relocation. Why is Senator de Leon risking this happening by upping the cost of electricity when even the EIA says a large, fully-developed economy – that is California – will have a difficult time thriving and keeping middle class families and workers with skyrocketing energy costs? Not to mention we owe trillions in outstanding debts.  MORE

25 Comments on The Disaster of Believing in 100% Renewable Energy

  1. It should be a requirement that anyone wishing to participate in discussions about Energy must have documentation that they, at the very least, passed Chemistry and Physics at the HS level.
    This requirement should be mandatory for all legislators, lobbyists, protestors, ‘journalists’, government employees, et al.

    If you don’t understand Thermodynamics, no one should GAF what you think.

  2. Communism has failed everywhere it’s been tried. But the democrats refuse to learn and continue to advocate for communism. Wind mills have failed everywhere they’ve been tried. But California democrats refuse to learn and continue to advocate for more windmills. Beginning to see a pattern here.

  3. by 2030 California will be in the proverbial dumpster. ya’ll west coast lunatics best get you craniums out of your rectums and start figuring out what and how your going to be able to pay for your pipe dreams. Washington is not responsible for states expenditures. Don’t expect a bailout just because your STUPID.

  4. Hilarious. 10’s of thousands of California wind mills were abandoned the minute federal subsidies ran out.

    :energy costs will necessarily sky rocket: barack hussein obola

  5. Democrats love birds! Democrats love windmills! Windmills kill the birds! Democrats want more windmills! The Democrats don’t really love the birds! Maybe we can pass a law declaring Democrats are birds!

  6. If this stupid bastards amendment becomes law then I actually have some hope for California (at least parts of it). It would be physically impossible to execute a plan that would have 100% renewable by 2030 or 2040 or 2050 or 2100. The State government would put the squeeze on consumers with higher rates and higher carbon taxes to drive usage down which would lead to a revolt when there are daily state-wide brownouts, energy rationing, crippling taxes, 50% unemployment, social welfare cuts, enclaves of have building fences to keep have-nots out. Man, you could actually see a revolution with Democrats running for their lives and the illegals heading back to Mexico and maybe some settling of accounts with La Raza. Maybe the Feds end up stepping in to restore order and put California under martial law and restoring fossil fuel as a source of energy.

    I know, it won’t happen but it’s an interesting thought experiment in what would happen.

  7. Math is hard. When the energy supply is 100% fueled by nature, won’t the energy supplied be 100% free? I can see 75%, 50%, even just 1% of billions and billions of dollars in fuel costs still being expensive. But, nothing from nothing, leaves nothing. So this should save California lots of money. Right?

  8. Let’s kick off the 100% renewable goal by setting an example for the citizens. Replace utility power to the state capital building and all state office buildings with the wonders of wind power and solar power. Cover the roof with solar panels and stick windmills wherever you can fit them. What fun!

  9. Sorry, kids … ALL sources of energy are “renewable.”
    When hydrocarbons are “burned,” the result is soot (carbon) and water (H2O). Trees take that carbon and water and turn it back into hydrocarbon compounds and release oxygen. DUH! This process also takes place at an accelerated rate by bacteria at tremendous pressures below the Oceans.
    As Einstein (Albert, not Norman) pointed out, matter and energy are the same thing – and can be neither created nor destroyed – only changed from one form to another.
    Hydro-electric – same deal – build potential energy and change it to electrical through kinetic. The water is given its potential energy through the process of evaporation and rain, where it’s stored again behind a dam.
    Nuclear – same deal – heavy nuclei are formed in the interior of the Sun and bequeathed to the Earth in the accretion process with half-lives in the billions of years. We split those nuclei (fission) into smaller nuclei giving us the binding energy with which we boil water to run turbines. Those smaller nuclei eventually are returned to (either) The Sun (or another) where the tremendous pressures and temperatures forge them into heavy nuclei, again.

    It’s a closed system. Nothing gets in or out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. All of these buttheads need to live on what they sow. You want wind. Fine, you first. Nothing but wind power for you. Hate cars. Fine, nothing but bicycles for you. Hate loggers, fine nothing but a cave for you. Hate manufacturing, fine nothing but what you can make with your own 2 hands. Hate dams. Fine get your water in a bucket and crap in your cave.

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