The DMF Asshat of the Year ‘Lifetime Achivement Award’ – IOTW Report

The DMF Asshat of the Year ‘Lifetime Achivement Award’


DMF: It’s been awhile since we have awarded the honor of ‘Ass Hat of the Year’ at DMF. The main reason being that in the later years of the Obama administration there has been so many qualified candidates in politics and the media falling out of the trees we simply could not narrow it down to one.

 But with the sunset soon to descend on the career of one special Ass Hat of note, we must take this opportunity to recognize his stupendous Ass Hattery as we prepare to say goodbye good riddance.  MORE

8 Comments on The DMF Asshat of the Year ‘Lifetime Achivement Award’

  1. “the Obama administration there has been so many qualified candidates in politics and the media falling out of the trees we simply could not narrow it down to one.”

    I just can’t wrap my head around what it will be like in a decade or so when normality comes back to our country. The Progs have been defeated and either the tard beat out of them or they left (never to be heard from again) to live in their favorite socialist/communist counties.

    There are no longer PC police (there may be a few left in mommies basement, but they dare not make a peep).

    SJWs have been ridiculed into subservience and hang their heads in shame.

    BLM has been eradicated due to the fact they must actually work for a living now that welfare resides in the dustbin of history.

    Feminism is still heard once a year, but that is because the men of this country found all of their balls (they took them back from the women) and have been dragging them by the hair to their caves. Seems the feminists just learned their lesson and now, on Sadie Hawkins day, it’s become a ritual mating call to act feminist.

    So, who will the Ass Hat Award be given to in the future? Maybe someone who wears white after Labor Day??

  2. “dingy harry”
    for ever to be known as the man who lost a fight with a rubber band.
    one of the most disgusting corrupt politicians of my life time.
    like the clinton twins this man should be investigated, tried and jailed for his extortion crimes.

  3. DMF. Please! Please! Oh, please! In the name of all that’s unholy, please don’t refer to Dingy Harry as a Mormon. I could tell you tales that my stepfather told me, he and Dingy used to attend the same church services.
    If anything, similar to referring to a Republitard GOPe as a RINO, refer to Dingy Harry as a MINO (Mormon In Name Only).

    Thank you.

  4. Woodman, you bring up my talking point. I point out to my Mormon friends that their church doesn’t excommunicate apostates because it wants their 10% (“If thy eye offends thee…”). That makes them part of the corruption along with other churches who do not purge the evil.

  5. BF,
    No, what Dingy Harry had done that I had heard was not worthy of excommunication. The Church has definite rules and guidelines about that. Even if Dingy has done something worthy of excommunication, and actually been excommunicated, well, we STILL wouldn’t hear about it, from the church. If the person chooses to broadcast that, it’s their decision. What Dingy did that I know of was more of an embarrassment, not worth excommunicating over. Like the political antics of Crazy Drunk Unkle Joe Biden. To put it into secular civil terms, you don’t take away someone’s driver’s license for parking in two parking slots.

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