The Folly of “Journalists” Insisting That Trump Was in Bed With the Russians in Order To Rig the Election – IOTW Report

The Folly of “Journalists” Insisting That Trump Was in Bed With the Russians in Order To Rig the Election

Paul Joseph Watson has a keen insight.

If Trump was in bed with the Russians, colluding with deep state agents at the Kremlin in order to ratf*ck the rightful heir out of the presidency, Hillary Clinton, why would Donald Jr. need to meet with a pissant-nobody Russian lawyer 4 months before the election?


9 Comments on The Folly of “Journalists” Insisting That Trump Was in Bed With the Russians in Order To Rig the Election

  1. I just emailed Timmy kaine, the eyebrow, asking if it was possible that Hillary lost because her running mate looks and talks like an escapee from an insane asylum.

    I checked the box asking for a reply.

  2. As always look what the left are accusing others of doing, and that’s what they themselves are guilty of. It’s projection plain and simple. They think that because they are dishonorable scum everyone else is too.

  3. Haha, damn good point! I just caught Eric Bolling on Fox trying his best to convince that insufferable little bint “Kat” or Kit or whatever, that there were no laws broken. The twit was going hysterical trying to make a moronic point and was behaving like a flaming libtard…I knew there was something I couldn’t swallow about her!

  4. Well by that point everybody knew Trump was going to win so she made up a story about orphans so the two of them could plot to take over the world. And since these are such serious charges CNN has been assigned to investigate.

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