The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’ – IOTW Report

The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’


14 Comments on The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’

  1. Boo Radley Obiden Bama never leaves his house unless it’s pitch black, so it must be his brother Sling Blade Obiden Bama who is keeping Tara Reade away from Dr. Jill’s home.

  2. Joe was always an imbecile, now he’s a completely incoherent imbecile that’s barely registering a pulse.
    How much longer is this farce going to continue? What’s the most discouraging is that the republican elected officials {with a few exceptions} seem to have the business as usual attitude instead of reflecting the outrage we all feel. It’s disgusting!

  3. Joey’s a sad case – a retarded stooge being used as a usurping place-holder for some unnamed cabal of traitors.

    Not that that exonerates him of his complicity in these treasons – it doesn’t.

    izlamo delenda est …


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