The Garbage That “Black People Can’t Be Racist” Has To Cease Being Taught – IOTW Report

The Garbage That “Black People Can’t Be Racist” Has To Cease Being Taught

Do an internet search of “Black People Can’t Be Racist” and you’ll see dozens of pseudo-intellectual essays, written by college kids interning for (insert leftist website here), published gleefully by their white progressive editors.

The thinking, or lack of it, goes like this – “Blacks do not have power so it’s impossible for them to be racist because racism can only come from people who possess power.”

If you think you don’t have power, think again. Your whiteness is your power. From the white bum living under a bridge, to the white ponytailed professor pushing this tripe, they have power over the lowly, helpless, powerless black man. Even Barack Obama couldn’t be racist. The bridge bum could.

And this is simply accepted because….  I’m searching for the reason. Can’t find one.

Here’s a black woman who was just arrested for racial harassment.

She yelled “I hate white people” before attacking two white passengers.

Fox– Jordan was on the Ride On bus, Montgomery County’s public transportation system, when she allegedly stared at two passengers and said, “I hate white people.” She then reportedly struck a white female passenger in her face before smacking a white male passenger in his face, police said.

You see, the two white bus riders have all the power. Her yelling “I hate white people” and attacking them is not racism. According to the black writers this just means the black lady is “prejudiced,” but not racist, a distinction that means something to academics, but means absolutely nothing in the real world.

A white man shouts, “I hate blacks,” and shoots 4 black people dead. He’s racist.

A black man shouts, “I hate whites,” and shoots 4 white people dead. He’s prejudiced.

It’s almost as if the black murderer isn’t as bad as the white murderer.


Academia. Word salads. The need for blacks to be forever oppressed because if they aren’t, what are we going to do with all those college textbooks?

You can use the same arguments, as long as we’re just making things up, to make the case that black people can’t be evil.

“In order to be evil you have to be an oppressor, not the oppressed. Blacks can only rise to the level of ‘misguided.”

It’s a stupid, oft-repeated theory that had its day. It just sounds silly now.




9 Comments on The Garbage That “Black People Can’t Be Racist” Has To Cease Being Taught

  1. What if we take it one step further and realize that “racism”, as leftists like to pretend that it exists, doesn’t really exist as an unnatural belief that people hate other people SOLELY for the color of their skin?
    Skin color is just shorthand for propensities of behavior or other generalized characteristics that they don’t want around them.
    The entire paradigm is false, and made up, and not real.
    White generally don’t like typical black behavior while many blacks resent Whites for being more successful and prosperous than they are.
    This cuts across all races and groups.
    There are many Jews that don’t consider themselves white, regardless of what race you think they look like.
    Why? I dunno.

  2. Yeah and we can see just how well that thinking is working in South Africa where the “un-racist” blacks now in control of government are butchering whites by the 100’s.
    It takes a developed people to handle the responsibilities of a truly free society. People that just came down out of the trees a generation ago aren’t ready and they’re proving it.

  3. “Black People Can’t Be Racist” Has To Cease Being Taught

    It should be encouraged. It should be celebrated.

    When someone beyond the (mental) age of single digits tells, yells, screams at, you that “Santa Claus is real! And bringin’ me a pony!” (pause, code switch to Brahmin) “And that’s why you should pay me. I’m your professional better.”… will you think longer or shorter, before pulling out your wallet?

  4. Blacks are way more racist than whites.
    But they are the sullen teenager at America’s dinner table, holding everyone hostage with their volatile tempers and acting out.

  5. The black people I dislike are disliked because they are assholes not because they are black. Am I to believe there are no black assholes? That would be racist.

  6. The left thinks that they can beat a code update into the human mind and just change how its thinking works. That is a fools errand, that they refuse to see, because of the minds design to change on its own from variable events and experiences it’s exposed to traveling through life. Thinking and judgments are not set in cement and come from humans with a wide range of skin colors and tones and is not exclusive to any list you decide to make up.

  7. @Loco, I read the book, for the life of me I cannot figure out why they call the hero of the book a sellout.
    Harriet Beecher Stowe was a flaming abolitionist and a propagandist of the Civil War.
    Blacks don’t read books, that’s racist but one can understand why people believe that.
    Acting white.

  8. They are being taught this crap in church. I know and worked with many blacks and I’ve heard this too often. It’s all part of the “Black Liberation Theology” being pushed in churches by community organizers like BHO. Very little of what Jesus taught is being discussed in black churches.


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