The Human Malware Demonstrating Trump is the Very Reason Trump Won the Presidency – IOTW Report

The Human Malware Demonstrating Trump is the Very Reason Trump Won the Presidency

ht/ Jerry Manderin

My favorite Brit rants a bit about the Human Malware that has taken to the streets to try and undo our democratic process.

9 Comments on The Human Malware Demonstrating Trump is the Very Reason Trump Won the Presidency

  1. “There will be casualties on both sides”…but not me of course. Carrying this sign and crying a mugful of liberal tears is my part.

    I liked the homo that is an “openly gay man” but is afraid to get out of bed because the monster will eat his foot.

    More hypocrisy in this 5 minute video then anywhere else E-Vah!

  2. The Herd mentality we see going on in Portland, LA, Chicago and New York might as well be scenes from any Third-World toilet, but it is important to recognize that this is exactly what the American People voted OUT! The Left convinces their followers, through relentless lies, that the Collective is smarter than the individual, yet in so doing all they have really accomplished is to prove that none of them on their own is as dumb as all of them combined! The unhinged Left always tells people that they are just here to “protect” the little guy. With fist proudly raised they proclaim:
    Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there.
    Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there.
    Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there.
    And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, We’ll be there too…
    helping to hold the little guy down!!
    Eight years of malaise, unemployment, Trickle-Up Poverty, a broken Heath-Care system, dependency on the government fostered by a Communist Organizing, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic, Marxist, muzlim, Communist prick hasn’t helped anybody! America is better than this. Donald Trump and all the American people that voted for him know it!

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