The Illusion of Choice – IOTW Report

The Illusion of Choice


Those who control the illusion of choice within each club, RNC and DNC, have always looked to be constructing a 2024 outcome where Gavin Newsom competes against Ron DeSantis.

First, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has recently set up a Political Action Committee (PAC) and a Super PAC that would seemingly support the perspective of his presidential ambitions…

One day later, Ron DeSantis announces on the Moudoch news channel, using the mockingbird broadcaster, that he is willing to debate Gavin Newsom this November.  Notice the states, and you will easily be able to guess which one will be selected for the venue. More

93 Comments on The Illusion of Choice

  1. Yup, I love CTH but he’s dead wrong on this, no way the Demonrats run a straight white male.

    He will be Manchelles cuck VP as she wants only a single term anyway,

    She is far to lazy to put in 8 years, so Loathesome will get his turn in 28

    If we are still alive that is, they best get to hopping on cutting the Pedo off at the knees

    Commieliar will be doing the pardons and then stepping aside, she is to lazy and stupid for SC consideration.

    Manchelle runs, they double cheat, but PDJT wins anyway. We will all be dead one way or another if PDJT does not prevail.

  2. Promises were made. You don’t cross Nancy Pelosi. It will be Newsom. Dumber than a post. They need to get RFK out of the race. He will embarrass the shit out of Girly Man.
    All that will be required to run against him is broadcast the LA evening news nationally.

  3. Nothing nefarious going on here, just a dem who keeps running his mouth about another governor & state.
    DeSantis challenged Newsom to a debate over a month ago.
    Newsom won’t STFU about Florida so RDS told him to put up or shut up.
    Newsom went on Hannity and said he would debate RDS.
    I bet that little weasel backs out.

  4. It is always a straight white male with the Dems. Minorities are just for show. Look at 2020, you had every type in the Dem race, Biden nowhere to be seen. Nobody wanted him… and suddenly nobody was close to him. Will be the same with Newsom. At least he’s young and pretty, and healthy – the only real question is whether he will answer to his bosses, and I think he is willing to do that, has proven so already.

  5. CTH absolutely despises DeSantis. I don’t understand why. I have a great appreciation for CTH, and I likewise still have Trump first, but I don’t understand why he is so emphatically opposed to DeSantis. Campaign foibles aside, I generally like what he has done and said.

  6. “I bet that little weasel backs out.”

    He can’t think on his feet. He’s stupid. Do you know how many times he debated when he’s been running for Gov? ZERO. Yah know why? Because he’s stupid. Unless it’s scripted, he’ll screw it up. So I guess he and our current President have a lot in common. No way he shows up.

  7. “There will be a republican debate later this month.
    Show up and fight.”

    That would be an extremely dumb thing for Trump to do. Like he says, it’s a hostile news network. And the regime has provide plenty of ammo for stupid questions. He should hold a rally at the exact same time a bury FOX. Screw them.

  8. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by Trump showing up for the debate. A competing rally is a good idea, or maybe a sit down commentary with Tucker Carlson while the debate is going on. Trump has some good choices, being at the debate is not one of them.

  9. I could make a case for Trump doing the debate and a case against.
    I also both want him to show up and I also don’t want him to show up.
    We need an alternate universe where both play out.
    I plan to watch the debate either way.

    I don’t believe it will help or hurt Trump if he shows or not.
    I do believe it will give DeSantis and perhaps Vivek & Nikki some good exposure.
    I hope Pence qualifies so they can end his candidacy right fucking there…

  10. DeSantis sent a letter to Kamala asking her to debate about the “slavery curriculum” she keeps lying about.
    He said any day is good for him and he would make concessions in case she happened to be visiting the Southern Border. LOL
    Dems only talk a good game.

  11. I think doing a competing rally would be pretty petty and juvenile so you can’t rule that out.
    “I’m not going to debate so I don’t want you watching THEIR debate.”

    Either ignore it or show up and participate.
    Like I said, he needs allies and voters…

  12. “I think doing a competing rally would be pretty petty and juvenile ”

    Maybe, but he’s got his political rival that’s currently occupying the White House, sitting at Trump’s rightful desk, trying to incarcerate him for the rest of his life. T think the gloves are off. And don’t kid yourself, FOX loves Joey.

  13. There’s only four of them that I’ve heard met the 40K individual donor criteria. RDS,Vivek, and then Fat Boy, and Pence. The last two were far behind what they needed and then just like that, poof they’re in. Another good reason for Trump not to attend the debates is Christie. He’s there for one reason. A hit man for the RNC. His job is to perform a character assassination on Trump. And he will make it loud and ugly. Trump should avoid him at all costs.

  14. With all the worthless rinos that are slated to be on the debate stage Trump would only diminish himself by being there. That would be like Tom Brady having to take the stage with Ryan Leaf, Johnny Manzell, and Carson Wentz to make a case for who was the better quarterback.

  15. Loco, because he would only lower himself to their level by arguing that I’m better than you. Those guys don’t even deserve to be in the same sentence when it comes to making comparisons of achievements.

  16. OK guys. There’s something taking place here we should be cognizant of. Our federal government s forcing us all on the same side. If they’ll do it to Trump they’ll do it to anybody. Including RDS. I don’t think this is going to end pretty. And I’m not looking past 2024. How do we win this. I think there comes a point in time where everyone that calls themselves a conservative is going to need to rally behind the guy that they’re after the hardest. I think or enemy is dictating he needs one more term. Yesterday would have told you it’s over, Trumps serving a life sentence. But Jack Ass Smith just allowed the legitimacy of 2020 to be litigated. What a stupid fuck. Just sayen, we have a new battle before we can get back to the old battle.

  17. Well, tried to not comment about DeSantis being a RINO Manchurian candidate but his excitement to debate the left’s Manchurian candidate (Newsom will fake being a moderate) confirmed my negative assessment concerning DeSantis.

    DeSantis can’t be trusted. He may be implementing conservative legislation in Florida but I suspect a ‘Bait and Switch” if he would become president. He seems a shallow, programmable, a bit hot-tempered, reactionary and socially awkward.

    Also, if he’s close to the elitist/Swamp State Bush clan and receiving their financially support that’s further evidence he’s disingenuous and will work against The People in a subversive manner if president.

    Newsom, of course is the Marxist poster boy of evil. Ideally, positioned to run against his exact idealized RINO establishment compliment -DeSantis. The debate between them may be grandstanding, nothing else. Inspiration for a new Emmy Award category- Best Performance in a Political Debate.

  18. joe6, Trump would suck all the oxygen out of the debate stage so he is doing everyone a favor by not showing up. Himself included.
    Sure, with Trump it would be more entertaining with higher ratings but without him others get their messages out.
    It will be a more informative debate.
    Everyone knows Trump.
    We would get one-liners & nicknames.
    Been there, done that.

    RDS, like him or not does have a record to run on.
    He has a ton of conservative victories that you chose to ignore.

    RDS will win that debate with or without Trump present.

  19. Like in the first Star Wars when Luke was failing and Yoda was exasperated that their only hope wasn’t cutting it, Obi-Wan said “wait, there is another.”

    That other is DeSantis.
    I’m so glad I can see this.
    I promise not to say “I told you so” to the irrational, ill-informed conspiracy believer sceptics here. (Pinky swear)

  20. Loco, you might be wrong about RDS coming out the winner with Trump not there. Ramaswamy is a dark horse (no hidden meanings intended” in the race for 2nd. It looks like he is eyeing a VP slot.

  21. joe6, no doubt Vivek wants VP and will be a little pit-bull attacking the #2 slot, RDS.
    DeSantis has had years of practice swatting away the MSM in Florida.
    He hands them their asses all the time.
    He is armed with facts & figures, smart as hell and has a winning pedigree longer than my johnson…
    He will shut Vivek down with reality.

  22. “RDS will win that debate with or without Trump present.”
    You’re bound a determined to start a pissing match aren’t you? I mean after RDS has done so well with his campaign. Call me when you want to get serous about the real war.

    And 99th is spot on.

  23. No, not looking for any kind of match.
    DeSantis is skilled and could handle Trump.
    He is patient and would dismiss the juvenile name calling.
    Trump doesn’t want to face RDS and I don’t blame him.
    Why risk it? Trump has the nom at this point.

    I agree with 99th 99% of the time but is 100% dead wrong on RDS.
    No problem.

  24. “DeSantis is skilled and could handle Trump.”

    You’re on drugs. Have you any idea how many high level biz negotiations Trumps been victorious in. And you’re going to compare that to a damn attorney. Like I say, let me know when you get serous.

  25. “I can’t blame Trump for running scared.”

    Like I say, when you get serious let me know. What’s at stake is far more serous than a football game. But I’m not arguing anymore. Sick of it.

  26. Sorry Bro. I’m not an RDS fan. Frankly, after reading your posts through out the years I’m surprised you are. But my point tonight I was trying to make is, we have a battle to fight before any of the above has a chance of getting a fair shot. That’s where think all patriots should be focused and then we can argue the rest later. Like we should be able to in a free society. And that’s not their plan. Fucking Biden was gloating today about having his number one political rival arrested and booked. That fucker ain’t an American

  27. If Trump had RDS record of conservative victories biden* wouldn’t have been able to overturn his agenda with EO’s 30 minutes into his term.
    Did you see that fucking stack?
    Made me sick to my stomach.

    That is a goddamn unfortunate fact.
    I hate it! I hate saying it. I hate admitting it!

  28. Brad I hate the fuck out of biden* and wish him a painful death and to rot in hell.

    You think biden* likes DeSantis?
    DeSantis would overturn everything biden* did.
    RDS will do things in office Trump can’t accomplish.
    That is reality.

  29. That is not a weakness of Trump. It’s an indication of how deep the TREASONOUS BASTARDS are ingrained in our system. Trump is fighting all of DC, and he is fighting for us. Nobody else has given up a life of luxury in order to serve. Everyone else has served in order to gain a life of luxury!

  30. Loco
    I do not hate RDS. Originally I was a big fan. He’s made some associations that concern the hell out of me. He’s got until 2028 to change my mind. I don’t think he’s a stupid man. Let’s see what happens.

    I’ll also say bringing his wife into this is bull shit. I’m a cancer survivor, so far. And idiots have no idea how much that drains out of you. Complaining about her una brow is just a bit over the top. These people should stfu. Or get a life.

  31. Thanks Brad. More analysis- Yeah, the two pretty boys will have a “gay” ole time at their debate. Oops, did I say that?
    Sorry, not sorry for the cheap shot Urkel style.
    We might as well lighten up sometimes. We’re stuck with these compromised political cast of characters like DeSantis and Newsom for a long time.

  32. joe6, RDS only has 300 grand in assets after being in government for 9-ish years.
    He is in it for his family, not to get rich.
    I don’t discount Trump’s sacrifice.
    Why do you discount RDS?

    Seriously, name something tangible he has done you disagree with?
    The dude has such an impressive resume for conservatives.
    He is a fighter like Trump.
    Should be an ally, which he was at one time.

  33. Sorry to see 99th lose their shit?
    I guess taking on the gay mafia, Disney, teacher’s unions, the MSM, the democrats, taxes, regulation, hurricanes, defund the police, george soros DAs, election fraud, BLM, DEI, the WEF, the CDC, Fauci, the biden* admin, drag queen story hour like DeSantis has and emerged victorious is too much for 99th to handle?

    Who knew?

  34. OMG, and here’s Burr. He loves us, and then he leaves us. We’re all cheap hookers to Burr. LOL
    Alphaville, dude your not even on the out skirts, LOL

    Welcome back, again.

  35. LocoBlancoSaltine. I hesitated expressing my true thoughts about DeSantis because I knew it would upset his supporters- like you, his most vocal fan commenting at IOTWr. Really made am effort to be cool about DeSantis. His conservative-leaning accomplishments are admirable, undeniable but there’s just something off. I’m not the only one who thinks that way.
    Not interested in a grudge match with you, LocoBlancoSaltine. I respect your opinion, please respect mine.

  36. Loco, you need to re read my last comment. Your last comment doesn’t seem relevant. I’m out, tweeked knee today. Getting a shit ton of ice, going to bed. God bless the USA.

  37. 99th, I do defend RDS on this site more than anyone.
    Your opinion has been expressed and so has mine.

    I just have a problem with “just something off” as some sort of explanation to discount such a fine, family, Christian man.
    Would you want to be judged on that instead of your record?

    I’m not looking to date him, I want our country back.

  38. LocoBlancoSaltine going to leave it as it is…let me make myself more clear.
    For me, instincively something is off, in particular, politically with DeSantis. Finito. If I’m proven wrong, more power to DeSantis.

  39. Sticking crabs up your butt is a metaphor for people taking the covid shot.

    French sci-fi is so cool. Everybody smokes.
    And I haven’t been anywhere. I was just talking to you lovable idiots like half an hour ago.

  40. The great thing about DeSantis is he can lose some wishy-washy conservative voters.
    He went from winning by less than 1% to winning by 20% in 4 years.
    That kind of winning is legit.
    Trump will have to squeak by like he did in 2016 in order to regain the White House.
    Shitting on DeSantis will make his chances even more narrow…

  41. DeSantis lacks a depth of conviction despite his sterling conservative record. Don’t trust him to stay on course as president.
    Others seem to come to the same conclusion based on where he stands in the polls. He’s not the front runner by a long shot.
    DeSantis is a decent guy, in general but he’s politically too establishment to be able to withstand the Swamp State extortion and bullying when the stakes are higher as president.

  42. You Never-DeSantis guys remind me of that idiot lawyer Daniel Ulfelder who wore the grim reaper outfit on the beaches saying “DeSantis is killing you.”

    Dressed in all black in the hot sun telling folks that getting fresh air, sun, vitamin D, exercise, sweating, having fun in the ocean or Gulf, playing, eating drinking, will kill you, instead, go home, mask up, vaxx up, lock yourself inside and try not to breathe.
    I think DeSantis won that contest hands down.

    BTW, that is you guys and we on the beach see you.
    Good luck with your position and try not to pass out in your grim reaper outfits.


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