The Left: Poised To Ruin 2019 – IOTW Report

The Left: Poised To Ruin 2019

Dennis Prager’s column today kicks the new year off with a simple observation; now that they control the House, democrats are going try to make us all as batsh*t crazy as they’ve been the last two years. More

I for one, am ready to mock and laugh in the face of their efforts to induce anxiety and misery upon the citizen of this nation.

5 Comments on The Left: Poised To Ruin 2019

  1. If the democraps threw a tantrum, and nobody CARED (the lamestream media doesn’t count), can THEY really “ruin” our year?

    I plan on paying as MUCH attention to them, as I have since 1980. Which is to say – NONE at all! 😀

  2. Love the pic!
    If only she had the leadership to walk within 30′ of the border without secret service protection and have a non paid-for MS-13 Gang member rip that portentous mallet out of her hands and cave her pocket lining delusional skull in.
    I write children’s self-help books for a living. That being said, Yea, we all need to dream.
    Feeling better now.

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